Watch as the ‘Wax Whisperer’ reveals the 10 strangest things he’s removed from people’s ears – from teeth to a pen lid

AN audiologist known as ‘the wax whisperer’ has revealed some of the weirdest things he’s had the pleasure of removing from people’s ears.

Stomach-churning footage shows specialist Neel Raithatha extracting a tooth and play-doh, among other things, from his patient’s ears.

CatersNeel Raithatha has revealed some of the weirdest things he’s had the pleasure of removing from people’s ears[/caption]

CatersStomach-churning footage shows specialist removing a battery from a patient’s ear canal[/caption]

Neel, 40, gained his nickname online after sharing videos of some of his most extreme cases.

He now works out of his clinic, The Hear Clinic in Leicester, where he helps people to hear properly again on a daily basis.

“Not being able to hear can not only lead to cognitive decline, but social withdrawal and depression,” he explained.

“Therefore, I feel privileged to be able to make a difference in someone’s life by allowing them the opportunity to reconnect with their surroundings and loved ones.”

Earwax removal is now big business as many NHS GP practices do not always offer it as a service any more.

In fact, two-thirds of sufferers had been told ear wax removal was no longer available at their GP surgery, a survey of 1,400 people conducted by the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) found.

In the gross video, Neel can be seen pulling ten bizarre items from the ears of his patients.

This includes a hearing aid battery, a silicone tip from an at-home ear cleaner, play-doh, a pen lid, and a tooth.

You can also see him extracting the back of an earring, a popcorn kernel, a tooth comb, dental floss and wax filters from hearing aids.

How to clean your ears safely

Neel “strongly” recommended that people avoid DIY extractions and cleaning their ears with cotton buds or “any other object for that matter.”

“Not only does this push and impact ear wax further and deeper into the ear canal, but it can lead to trauma of the delicate skin that lines the ear canal or, in the worst case scenario, a perforation of the eardrum.”

Neel clarified what people should do: “Instead, you can apply medical grade olive oil spray weekly or fortnightly to help try to soften and remove earwax.

CatersYou can also see him extracting wax filters from hearing aids[/caption]

CatersNeel recommended people avoid DIY extractions and cleaning their ears with cotton buds[/caption]

“To do so, tilt your head sideways so your ear is facing towards the ceiling, then apply several drops or sprays of oil to your ear.

“After several minutes, tilt your head in the opposite direction so your ear faces the floor.

“This will help allow the oil to drizzle out of the ear, hopefully removing any earwax in the process.”

Last year, a doctor shared a terrifying clip revealing the moment they discovered a spider in a woman’s ear.

Another woman discovered a cockroach had been stuck in her ear for over a week.

Although it sounds bizarre, insects are known to crawl into people’s ears in search of food.

Some of the bizarre things doctors have removed from people’s insides…

It’s not uncommon for doctors to have to remove weird objects from unsuspecting places in the human body.

Here are some examples:

A 43-year-old Indonesian man was left in agony after shoving a toothbrush up his penis 
One unlucky woman from Northern Ireland was impaled by a pole after she fell onto her Christmas tree – and still lives to tell the tale
An Iranian man who was taken to hospital with constipation had shoved a full bottle of water around the size of 250ml up his rectum
A patient from China, known only as Mr Wen had a seven-inch long glass bottle removed from his rectum after he inserted it into himself to “scratch his itchy backside”
A boy suffering tummy pain was found to have 31 magnetic balls shoved up his penis – and lodged in his bladder

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