Tories to announce 2p national insurance cut in manifesto launch today

Rishi Sunak is promising big tax cuts in the Tory manifesto (Picture: Reuters)

The Conservatives are looking to relaunch their flagging campaign with a manifesto containing a string of giveaways, including further cuts to income tax, national insurance and an expansion to child benefits.

Cabinet minister Mel Stride has vowed there will be ‘no tax rises’ if the Tories win the election, while prime minister Rishi Sunak doubled down on a disputed claim that Labour will raise household taxes by £2,000 a year if they take office.

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But rogue Tories, including Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, are reportedly planning their own ‘counter-manifesto’ in the event the official one falls flat, and could launch it hold an emergency press conference to launch it over the next few days.

A former cabinet minister said the rebel manifesto could be published if Sunak’s promises continue to fall flat with voters, adding: ‘We’ll just have to see what emerges.’

One Tory source said: ‘Sunak doesn’t want to leave. This is just language to appease the right. It’s signalling. There’s no way he wants a cabinet row over this in the middle of the campaign, and some of his ministers are firmly against.’

The 2024 General Election – Metro style

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Labour has responded by saying Sunak is ‘taking people for fools’ over his tax cut pledges.

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