Hamas plotted to bomb Israeli skyscrapers in 9/11-style terror attack before October 7, bombshell docs reveal

HAMAS planned a giant large-scale assault inside Israel which included a 9/11-style terror attack on skyscrapers…

Five women & girl, 14, murdered within miles of each other with the same chilling clue…why was killer never found?

WHEN five women and a 14-year-old girl were snatched and killed within miles of each other,…

Watch moment lycra-wearing cyclist brawls with delivery driver after accusing van of ‘cutting him off’ on road

THIS is the wild moment a brawl between a postie and a lycra-clad cyclist after the…

How ‘The Bushman’ & his 3 kids vanished into thin air & have dodged cops for years in ‘baffling case never seen before’

A DAD and his three kids have managed to dodge cops for years in a case…

Secret docs expose how Hamas plotted to get IRAN to launch strikes on Israel during October 7 terror attack

SECRET documents have exposed how Hamas plotted to get Iran to launch strikes on Israel during…