By-election 2023 results live: Tories keep Boris’ old seat but lose out in North Yorkshire and South West

THE Tories have clung on to Boris Johnson’s old seat in Uxbridge – but were dealt…

How photo helped catch benefits cheat who claimed she had crippling disability to take home £33k

A BENEFITS cheat who feigned a crippling disability has been busted – after being caught horseriding. …

Closure of Nigel Farage’s accounts by Coutts branded sinister – as MPs question its operating licence

THE closure of Nigel Farage’s bank account was yesterday branded sinister by the Home Secretary. Suella…

Tories brace for three by-election losses as party chairman briefs Cabinet on unlikely win

THE Tories let slip they were braced for three by-election losses tomorrow. Chairman Greg Hands briefed…

Murderers who kill their exes are set to face longer jail time under new crackdown

BITTER men who murder their exes face even longer behind bars under a new crackdown. Those…

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