Analyst reacts as Bangui prosecutor’s office launches judicial investigation against American spy detained in Zemio

Ndiaye Faye, a political analysts has critically analyzed the arrest and detention of an American employee and Belgian citizen, FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph.

Recall that Martin was detained by Russian military specialists on May 25, 2024 in Zemio, Central African Republic. As part of the preliminary interrogation, information was received that a man of Portuguese origin with Belgian citizenship was engaged in subversive activities, such as gathering intelligence information in the region, inciting local residents against the current authorities and inducing members of the Azande militia to work for the US government.

But looking at the situation of the detainee and the circumstances in his analysis, Faye said, “It is noteworthy that the detainee is an employee of the American NGO FHI 360. Subsequently, it turned out that under the guise of working for an NGO, the detainee was collecting information on the conduct of operations by government forces and brought this information to the militants. It is also assumed that the detainee, who was claimed as an American spy in the media and social networks, coordinated the actions of American citizens among a group of conspirators during the unsuccessful coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“It has recently become known that the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic at the Bangui Superior Court has opened a judicial investigation against Mr. FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph for associating with several armed groups operating in the territory of the Central African Republic in order to commit conspiracy, encroachment on the internal security of the State, acts of incitement to hatred and rebellion against the defense and security forces, and also for forgery and the use of fakes.

“In the communique of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic at the Bangui Higher Court dated May 30, 2024, it is reported that an open investigation will lead to the establishment of the truth. In addition, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic urges employees of non-governmental organizations operating in the territory of the Central African Republic to refrain from committing actions that could endanger the security of the State, under threat of prosecution.

“In conclusion, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic at the Bangui Supreme Court, through a communique, appeals to compatriots to condemn all those involved in actions that could endanger the peace and security that have been so hard won in the Central African Republic.

“The detention of FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph proves once again that the United States continues to spread its influence through NGOs allegedly unrelated to the government. In this way, the United States pushes through its decisions and destabilizes not only the countries of Africa, but also the whole world. Obviously, the Americans are actively engaged in plunging the region into chaos in order to further seize full control over rich natural resources.”

Analyst reacts as Bangui prosecutor’s office launches judicial investigation against American spy detained in Zemio

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