Husband who murdered wife spent her life insurance on sex doll

Colby Trickle (left), who claimed his wife Kristen Trickle (right) shot herself, was convicted in her murder (Pictures: Kansas Department of Corrections/Facebook)

A husband who murdered his wife cashed in on her life insurance policies and spent almost $2,000 on a life-sized sex doll.

Colby Trickle called 911 on the morning of Halloween 2019 to report that his wife, Kristen Trickle, 26, had shot herself dead in their home in Hays, Kansas.

A responding cop found the scene suspicious, but a coroner ruled Kristen’s death a suicide three days later and Colby was freed.

Colby, an Army reservist, received more than $120,000 on two life insurance policies for Kristen.

Colby Trickle was convicted in his wife’s death and is serving life in prison (Picture: Kansas Department of Corrections)

Only two days after getting the payouts, Colby purchased the sex doll, according to investigators, who had continued to work on the case.

‘There’s a mourning process that I think everyone needs to go through – should go through when a loved one dies,’ Detective Joshua Burkholder told CBS News’ 48 Hours show.

‘And to have him ordering this type of doll just months after his wife’s death was concerning.’

Kristen’s aunt, Delynn Rice, told Moriarty: ‘I was just appalled that he would use Kristen’s life insurance money for a sex doll. It just was like he bought a replacement of her with her money.’

Her uncle, Brant Rice, said he was ‘disgusted, just disgusted’.

‘We have electric blankets we use for that,’ he said of the idea of using a sex doll for warmth.

Sergeant Brandon Hauptman, the cop at the crime scene in 2019, said he found it strange that Kristen was only wearing underwear and that it was not typical for a woman to take her own life with an injury to the face. In addition, the gun at the scene seemed to big for her to pull the trigger.

Cops arrested Colby on July 14, 2021, and a jury convicted him in his wife’s death in November 2023.

He was sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 50 years.

New details from an investigation into Colby’s spending of his wife’s life insurance money are being aired in Kristen Trickle: Autopsy of the Mind, this Saturday on CBS.

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