Teacher faked own exam results to land science master job at high school

The man taught at Cardiff West Community High School for eight months (Picture: Google)

A man faked his own exam results so that he could get a job as a science master.

Adrian Ferguson, 29, taught students for eight months at Cardiff West Community High School before it emerged his qualifications were fake.

These included an MA and BA in history and a postgraduate certificate in education with qualified teacher status.

But his only qualification was a 2:2 in a sports science BSc.

He also claimed he had no criminal matters pending against him.

But it emerged Mr Ferguson was awaiting trial over a charge of encouraging violence between pupils aged 13 and 15, who were alleged to have ‘engaged in a physical fight in his presence’.

The case was dropped because the Crown Prosecution Service said there was not enough evidence for ‘a realistic prospect of a conviction’.

He was suspended by the school in March 2021 and it appointed an independent investigator to look into his appointment as a science master.

Mr Ferguson was registered with the EWC as a school learning support worker and further education teacher and left the school after a disciplinary hearing.

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The EWC found his actions were ‘misleading’ and ‘lacking in integrity’.

A fitness to practise hearing described the misconduct as ‘egregious’ and imposed an indefinite prohibition order against Mr Ferguson.

He was banned from the classrooms but can appeal after five years.

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