The UK’s broken immigration system is literally killing people

Think of the desperation and fear people face when crossing the channel (Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

It was desperately upsetting to see yet another tragedy in the English Channel this week.

This time, five people – including a seven-year old girl – died while trying to cross on what has been described as an ‘overloaded boat’ carrying 112 migrants, and three men have since been arrested in connection with the incident. 

Rishi Sunak was among those in power offering words of sympathy – and while his description of the events is tragic – I can’t help but wonder if he would offer those migrants the same sympathy if they had arrived in the UK safely

The truth is, we have a broken migration system that literally kills people, and dehumanises those who survive. Sunak’s apparent solution is the recently passed Rwanda Bill – but in my view that will only exacerbate the problem.

Too often, our political leaders don’t extend humanity to migrants until a tragedy like this happens – that has to change. 

Think of the desperation and fear people face when crossing the channel. Nobody risks their lives for nothing. Those coming to our shores make the incredibly dangerous journey, often originating from war-torn countries, in search of a better and safer life.

It is not the first time a tragedy like this has occurred and it sadly won’t be the last – all while the Tories continue to feed the problem rather than offering the solution.

The inhumanity of the Tories is unsurprising (Picture: TOBY MELVILLE/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

It is saddening that the response of our country to these tragedies has been to further dehumanise people seeking refuge. 

In Parliament on Monday, we saw that play out with the passing of the cruel Rwanda Bill – and it was a dark day for human rights. 

We cannot forget that before anyone is a migrant or refugee, they are a person. 

And all people should be treated with decency and respect – no matter how they come to our country.

The inhumanity of the Tories is unsurprising. 

Who can forget when minister Robert Jenrick was reported to have ordered the repainting of a cartoon image at an asylum seeker reception centre so it wouldn’t be too welcome? 

They showed us their true colours by treating the most vulnerable people with disdain.

Instead, they should put effort into making the world safer and more secure, free from violence, persecution and wars. Then, perhaps people wouldn’t need to flee their home and make treacherous journeys to the UK.

Instead, this immoral bill does not reflect the British values and kindness that I know and love. 

A picture taken from a drone shows people crossing the English Channel in March 2024 (Picture: EPA/Tolga Akmen)

We need to put fair and realistic rules in place to manage migration. But we can treat everyone with decency, not forgetting we are a country of migrants who shaped the UK and made it great. 

That is why this must be seen not just as a challenge, but as an opportunity. I want us to respect international law and human rights, and offer safe and legal routes to enter the UK, including more routes for family reunification.

I am deeply concerned by how the far right’s dangerous rhetoric is spilling into everyday language – seen in parts of the media or even, in some cases, on the streets. 

We must be mindful of the politics at play here. The Conservatives are seeking to divide us and set people against each other for electoral gain. 

After 14 years of incompetence, lies, corruption and failure, the Tories now want you to blame someone else for the problems they themselves created – in this instance, they want you to blame migrants.

We cannot let them get away with it.

Firstly, in the wake of tragedies like this and the passing of the Rwanda Bill, there does need to be a conversation about how there is selective compassion for some but not others. 

For example, Ukrainians rightly received a lot of support following the war there – we welcomed many people from there and set up special schemes for Ukrainian families, welcoming them into people’s homes.

But that support has not been offered for any other group fleeing war and persecution. 

In a fair system, we would extend compassion to everyone. 

This is exactly why we must always remember that we are all equal, we are all human, and all of our rights are intertwined.

This week, after the Rwanda Bill has passed and more lives have sadly been lost trying to reach the UK, I believe we must take heed of one very important warning: when we dehumanise others, we chip away at our own humanity too.

I hope one day, sooner rather than later, we can put kindness and compassion back at the heart of our migration policies.

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