Are we heading for a year with no summer? It’s happened before

The year has been pretty grim so far (Picture: Getty)

If you’re sick of still having to put the heating on in April, we hear you. The UK’s spring 2024 has been a literal washout, with record rainfall and Baltic temperatures to boot.

But it could be worse.

In 1816, Brits had no spring, and no summer. And a volcano on the other side of the world was to blame.

It all began on April 10, 1815. On the island of Sumbawa, now part of Indonesia, Mount Tambora had been getting restless, and on that day erupted with the force of ten Pinatubos – the largest eruption in living memory.

A giant column of ash spewed into the sky, lava flowed for hours, and pyroclastic flows raced down the mountain for days, wiping out entire villages en route to the sea, where they triggered devastating tsunamis. 

It was a geological onslaught of unimaginable proportions.

An aerial view of Mount Tambora, which erupted in 1815, killing 70,000 people (Picture: Getty)

Olongapo city is covered in volcanic ash following the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo volcano (Picture: Getty)

In total, more than 70,000 people were killed – the greatest known volcanic death toll.

It is worth noting at this point that Tambora is not even supervolcano. A volcano’s strength is measured on the eight-point volcanic explosivity index. True supervolcanoes, like Yellowstone, are an eight. Tambora is a seven.

Nevertheless, the sheer strength of an eruption many thousands of years in the making not only wiped out local populations, but a year later, would wreak havoc around the world.

As it erupted, Tambora ejected 60 megatons of sulphur high up into the atmosphere – well beyond the cloud cover that might bring it back to Earth as acid rain. High in the stratosphere, it mixed with water vapour to form sulphate aerosols. 

In recent years most talk of atmospheric aerosols has been with regard to global warming, trapping heat around the planet. But these aerosols have the opposite effect, instead reflecting sunlight as it arrives and stopping heat reaching the surface.

A lithograph of the 1883 eruption of Krakatau in Indonesia (Picture: Hulton Archive/Getty)

A year on, as the particles had spread across the globe, this phenomenon stole the summer of 1816.

Heavy snow fell across parts of northeast America in June, causing 20-inch high drifts. 

The New England Historical Society reports frozen birds dropped dead from the sky, and sheep already shorn died from exposure – despite farmers trying to tie their fleeces back on.

Many crops were destroyed by periodic frosts throughout the summer, leading to reports of people eating raccoons, pigeons and hedgehogs.

Compounding the food shortage was the fact it was not just cold, but also dry. After the early snow, little precipitation fell, leading to wildfires in the region.

Europeans, however, had the opposite problem. While cold, the summer of 1816 was also particularly wet. Some areas experienced weeks of rain, while snow fell in central Spain in July.

In Britain, that month was coldest July on record, as snow fell across the country and two-inch hailstones shattered windows.

The change in average temperatures during the summer of 1816 (Picture: NOAA)

As in the US, food was in short supply, leading to rioting and migrations. The failed harvest is often referred to as the ‘last great subsistence crisis in the Western World’. Malnourishment caused by the failed crops led to a major typhus epidemic across parts of the continent including Ireland and Scotland.

Those affected by the sweeping cold were not aware the cause of their misery lay half a world away, and today scientists continue to investigate the relationship between the eruption and subsequent changes to the global climate.

But the tale offers salient insights into just how far reaching the effects of a supervolcano explosion could be, setting off a chain of unintended consequences stretching both around the world and through time.

There was one positive to come out of the year with no summer however.

Kept indoors by the gloomy weather, Mary Shelley penned Frankenstein while travelling in Switzerland. Her monster has long outlived the effects of that devastating eruption.

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