Man glassed in the face after telling woman she looked like she was 43

Joanne Dodd glassed Carl Cooper in a Manchester pub after he wrongly guessed her age (Pictures: Joanne Dodd/Cavendish Press)

A businesswoman glassed a man in the face at a pub after he wrongly guessed her age.

Joanne Dodd was furious when Carl Cooper suggested she might be 43, when she was actually 39 during a light-hearted exchange in a Manchester pub beer garden.

Mr Cooper went to the toilet to get away from the situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice pushed her wine glass in his face.

He was left with a 10cm cut that narrowly missed his eye and needed stitches, as well as an injury to his thumb.

Manchester Crown Court heard Dodd had been suffering from ‘low self esteem’ and had been drinking heavily at the time of the attack.

The mum-of-one pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm and faced up to three years in jail under sentencing guidelines.

However, Judge Elizabeth Nicholls gave her a suspended sentence saying that although there was no excuse for the crime she committed, she could see Dodd was a ‘hard working woman’, ‘loving mother’ and ‘no risk to the public’.

Dodd flew into a rage after Mr Cooper suggested she might be 43 (Picture: Joanne Dodd/Cavendish Press)

The attack happened on September 9 last year when Dodd was out with her sister at The Unicorn pub in Manchester city centre.

Prosecutor Emma Clark said: ‘Carl Cooper and his friend Stuart Coleman were in the beer garden and the defendant was intoxicated.

‘Mr Cooper and his friends were having a light hearted conversation with the defendant’s sister before the conversation turned to age.

‘Mr Cooper guessed the ages of the two women – but the defendant took offence at Mr Cooper’s guess.

He said the conversation then became heated and Dodd told Mr Cooper that she would glass him.

The mum-of-one attacked Mr Cooper in the face with a wine glass twice (Picture: Joanne Dodd/Cavendish Press)

Ms Clark continued: ‘He went to the toilet to get away from the situation and the defendant and her sister proceeded to the main bar area.

‘But she caught sight of Mr Cooper as he left the toilet and immediately ran towards him, striking him twice in the face with a glass causing a laceration to the face and narrowly missing his eye.

‘The defendant left the Unicorn pub shortly after the attack and was subsequently arrested at a Tesco store a short time later. The injury to Mr Coooper’s face was treated with stitches.’

Dodd, who has no previous convictions, was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work. She was ordered to pay £800 in compensation to her victim.

Her barrister Mark Friend said: “She deeply regrets [the attack] and apologises profusely to the complainant for her actions on that day.

‘It may be said that some of what had been termed banter between them was rather disobliging but the defendant does not seek to excuse or explain her actions.

Dodd had been drinking heavily at the time, Manchester Crown Court heard (Picture: Joanne Dodd/Cavendish Press)

Mr Friend said personal circumstances had impacted her behaviour.

‘There were issues in relation to the loss of her father and issues of self esteem and self worth. The loss of her good character in the way she has is a burden she carries very severely.

‘In reality this court can be most assured that Miss Dodd will not darken the doors of the court or any other court in the future.’

Judge Nicholls told Dodd: ‘It is obvious that you had been drinking heavily and there was undoubtedly some verbal exchange between you and the other group.

‘You did not appreciate the comments made by Mr Cooper and one person’s banter may be insulting to other people but that did not justify what you then went on to do.’

She continued: ‘Your conduct was incomprehensible.

Dodd’s solicitor said she was suffering from low self-esteem when the attack happened (Picture: Joanne Dodd/Cavendish Press)

‘The only explanation that can really be put forward is that you were under the influence of drink, which does you no credit.

‘It was no doubt traumatic for Mr Cooper and it would have had an impact on him. Fortunately he seems to have made a good recovery.

‘I have seen the photo where the scar is barely noticeable but to him it will be a constant reminder of your conduct on that night.

The judge added: ‘There is no mitigation about the circumstances of the offence itself but there is mitigation in relation to you.

‘You are a woman with no previous convictions. You have never been in a court of law before and you have positive good character.

‘It is accepted that you are a dedicated, hardworking woman, and undoubtedly a loving mother. It is right that you were remorseful from the beginning of the events at the police station.’

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