Rishi Sunak ‘has nothing left to lose’ and may hold election as early as June

Rishi Sunak has realised nothing ‘is moving the dial’ (Picture: AFP)

Rishi Sunak is considering holding the General Election as early as June or July because his party are so far behind in the polls ‘they have nothing to lose’.

By waiting until an election in autumn, it was hoped interest rates would be falling, the Rwanda migration plan would be in full swing, and more tax cuts could be announced.

But the prime minister has realised further cuts ‘would not move the dial’ as the party’s popularity continues to plummet.

A Downing Street source told The Times: ‘We all hoped that the national ­insurance cut in the budget would give us a lift in the polls but, of course, it didn’t.

‘The PM has been pretty clear that he doesn’t think another cut will make any difference.’

There are also concerns the number of small-boat crossings will only increase in the summer months, despite the fact the Government has placed their migration policies at the heart of their existence.

An aide said: ‘Are you better off going to the country early, before Labour can say the policy isn’t working?’

Mr Sunak is concerned the Conservatives are only dropping in popularity as Liz Truss embarks on a media blitz promoting her new book.

Ms Truss, who lasted just 49 days as prime minister, was unrepentant as she discussed her short time in the leadership roll to the misery of Mr Sunak.

The source said: ‘He’s come to the conclusion that he has nothing to lose because he’s still 20 points behind in the polls and the party is far from united.

‘The trouble is, of course, it is too late.’

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