Why women find smiling blokes more attractive than mean and moody men revealed by boffins

WOMEN find smiling men more attractive than mean and moody  ones, say scientists.

They found masculine mugs like James Bond actor Daniel Craig’s can be seen as intimidating.

Tom Cruise’s friendly and unthreatening facial features were ranked as highly attractiveAFP

Instead ladies prefer softer faces such as Mission: Impossible star Tom Cruise’s.

Researchers say it may be a form of “threat management” in  the brain as women seek out suitable partners, rejecting what they perceive to be “less warm, emotional, honest and cooperative” men.

A team from Portugal’s  University of Porto  asked  84 ladies to tweak computer images of male faces to  the most attractive option.

They made fewest changes to smiling faces and  heavily edited neutral or angry looks to appear happier.

Psychology student Mariana Carrito said: “We found  emotional expression does impact women’s preferences.

“Masculine men may be perceived as dominant and high status but also as unsuitable partners.

“A preference for more feminine male faces may be an attempt to avoid negative behaviour.

“The expression of happiness neutralises the perception of anger.”

A 2003 US study  found females smile more often than males.

Ms Carrito said: “Our findings show a changeable trait, namely emotional expression, can impact attraction.”

Unhappier looking faces were viewed as less attractive partners by the women surveyedRex

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