Rishi Sunak’s war on ‘sick note culture’ makes me sick with worry

The PM claimed there was a ‘worrying’ proportion of young workers off sick (Picture: Yui Mok/PA Wire)

‘I’m signing you off work for two weeks’. 

As soon as my GP had written the note to my manager, I felt a huge sense of relief. 

Up until that moment, I had found myself falling out of bed 10 minutes before the start of my shift at my call centre job, before crawling back into it as soon as the working day was done. 

It was 2021 and outside of work, I – like many others – was feeling the mental health impacts of the pandemic and the isolation of lockdown. And during my 9-5, the verbal abuse of customers, high call volumes and the pressure of targets were starting to wear me down.

I ended up being signed off work for a total of two months. During this time, I really thought about what I wanted from my life and career – and it’s all thanks to my GP getting the ball rolling by signing the sick note.

So when I read about Rishi Sunak’s proposal to crack down on so-called ‘sick note culture’, I was horrified. The PM claimed there was a ‘worrying’ proportion of young workers off sick, then mentioned plans that could strip GPs of the right to write fit notes – putting this in the hands of vague ‘specialist professionals’.

I believe that if this was in place when I needed time off work, it could have made my recovery incredibly challenging. 

I’ve lived with varying symptoms of anxiety and depression from a very young age (Picture: Jack Wynn)

Due to my crippling anxiety and depression at the time, the thought of having to go through an intrusive assessment with a specialist rather than my regular GP would have made me feel even more vulnerable and guilty about using the system to get the help I needed. 

It’s also difficult to understand exactly what Sunak calls an ‘objective assessment’, what it would include and how tailored it would be to an individual’s needs. 

Especially if someone suffers with severe anxiety, this process could only make them feel worse because it feels like it lacks compassion. It only adds to the tremendous guilt many of us already feel about requesting a sick note.

I’ve lived with varying symptoms of anxiety and depression – from low moods to severe panic attacks – from a very young age. 

I knew how I was feeling wasn’t normal and that time off work would only help – but I still felt extremely guilty. I have found that one of the hardest parts of being signed off with a sick note is the feeling of letting others down.

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Initially, when I first delivered the news to my colleagues, I could barely get the words out. My manager was surprised, as they noted my positive character, but supportive – as were my other colleagues. 

Yet I knew that by not being there, other members of my team would have to pick up some of the slack until my return. 

I felt massive guilt at the thought of letting people down. In these incredibly challenging times, I wanted to be considered a strong character of support to my friends and colleagues. 

When I compared my depression to the severity of what frontline workers were facing since the pandemic started, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. 

I despise being seen as weak – even though I know mental illness doesn’t mean you are less strong. 

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The first couple of weeks, I spent a lot of time hiding under a blanket on the sofa watching real crime Netflix documentaries, occasionally mustering the energy to go to the local shop and trying not to bump into anyone I knew in fear of having to make small talk.

During the time off, I made some improvement with my overall mood with the help of some telephone counselling, short daily walks and even did activities I wouldn’t normally have much time for, such as reading.

I was also able to reflect on happier times and make more of an effort to keep in touch with friends and family members I had not been able to see since the beginning of the pandemic.

After two months, I went back to work with a huge amount of fear and hesitancy. 

During a phased return – in which I listened to the same calls that brought on my heightened anxiety – I knew I needed to make a change. So shortly after returning, I left the company to pursue another career. I needed that sick note from my GP to come to this conclusion and I’m grateful I was able to obtain it in a timely manner.

Jack (right) with his partner (Picture: Jack Wynn)

Sunak’s entire approach to this conversation stikes me as having a distinct lack of empathy. I believe that it should be kept under the GP’s discretion to advise on whether a patient is in need of a sick note. 

It also shows how out of touch the PM is on mental health issues. Changing the process entirely increases anxiety for those suffering and could result in detrimental consequences. People struggling with their mental health might feel like second-class citizens compared to their colleagues.     

I’ve since learned that no-one should feel guilty about taking the time they need to work on their mental health.

To keep pushing through and suffering in silence at work is certainly not the answer. Not only will it affect your performance, but you will begin to destroy relationships with your colleagues as you become unapproachable.

The pandemic brought with it so much uncertainty that it felt as though there was no light at the end of the tunnel. I couldn’t just rely on stronger medication, a few days completely shut off from the outside world, and more rest to get me through this challenging time.

Whatever comes of this latest announcement, I want Rishi Sunak to know that seeking time off work for mental health issues is lifesaving for many of us. 

It’s not a ‘lifestyle choice’. And it’s not the easiest topic for anyone with something like depression to discuss.

I’m afraid this new ‘specialist professional’ system will become an interrogation format for those who genuinely need the time off, and will push the mental health conversation back even further. 

So I say: Don’t be afraid to contact your GP – or this new system of a specialist – for advice. Despite the evident strain on the NHS, they are there to listen and offer the best help.

Being signed off has taught me that my mental health has to be my top priority. I shouldn’t feel guilty about putting myself first – no one should.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing Ross.Mccafferty@metro.co.uk. 

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