Analyst offers insights into how President Touadera disagreed with Macron’s ambitions

An international political analyst, Kassi Kouadio, has thrown more light on the international politics within the Central African Republic, CAR and Ukraine.

Kouadio in his latest article on the role of France and Russia in CAR argued that France has overstepped its bounds by continuously delving into the politics of other countries.

He wrote: “On April 17, 2024, Emmanuel Macron received his Central African counterpart Faustin Archange Touadera at the Elysee Palace to discuss the situation in the Central African Republic and various aspects of bilateral relations. The parties agreed on a roadmap to establish a “constructive partnership” and resume their relations.

“The Elysee Palace announced that the two leaders met over a working lunch to discuss the current challenges facing the Central African Republic, as well as ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. This meeting took place six months after their last exchange of views.

“Among other things, the heads of state touched upon the situation in Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron plans to send French soldiers to participate in the fighting, which, according to President Touadera, is at least unwise. The head of the Central African state noted the incompetence of the French military, which had not achieved success over the many years of deployment in Africa. So, in the summer of 2021, the French leader himself actually admitted the failure of the fight against terrorism in the Sahel, announcing the completion of Operation Barkhane. Moreover, during the years of the French presence, the activity of militants and their aggression has only increased. Obviously, Macron has already managed to forget about the military failures of the French contingent.

“After the French left, the African authorities hurried to find a new ally to solve the accumulated problems. This ally, as noted by Faustin Archange Touadera, was Russia. In recent years, in many countries of the continent, Russians have successfully trained government forces to effectively combat terrorist groups. In the CAR, in particular, it was Russian military specialists who were able to almost completely clear the territory of terrorists and bandits in just a couple of years.
France is rapidly losing influence in the global political arena.

“Obviously, Emmanuel Macron decided that the military successes of the French contingent in Ukraine would be able to restore the former greatness of France. Faustin Archange Touadera, for his part, warned his French counterpart against a rash decision, because sending the French military to Ukraine would obviously end badly for the latter. The head of the Central African state also reminded the French president of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.”

Analyst offers insights into how President Touadera disagreed with Macron’s ambitions

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