Catholic priest refused to let paramedics in to orgy where man had overdosed on pills

The orgy got out of control and emergency services were called (Picture: YouTube/Polityka w Polsce)

A Catholic priest who hosted an orgy at his flat – where a man overdosed on erectile-disfunction pills – has been jailed in Poland.

Father Tomasz Zmarzły, from the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angels, hosted the debauchery, also attended by a prostitute, but it all got out of control and police was called.

The 46-year-old organised the party at his parish-owned apartment in Dąbrowa Górnicza in August 2023.

It is understood that one of the men collapsed after taking too many pills. When his friend tried to call the police, the priest threw him out onto the street.

When paramedics finally arrived at the scene, father Tomasz refused to let them inside where the victim was later found unconscious and injured.

Fakt PL reported that the victim was severely mutilated in the lower parts of his body. 

A source told local newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza: ‘The event was organised by clergy and was purely sexual. Its participants took potency pills.’

The Catholic Church in Poland has been engulfed in the scandal since the story emerged last year.

Father Tomasz was arrested in January and charged with four offences.

He was also discharged from the clergy last year after reports of the orgy began circulating.

The priest was only officially identified as ‘Tomasz Z’ because of Polish privacy laws, but the Daily Mail named him as Father Tomasz Zmarzły.

At a closed trial on Tuesday, he was sentenced to 18 months in jail for sexual offences, supplying drugs and failing to provide assistance to a person in danger of loss of life or serious bodily harm.

He was also ordered to pay the victim 15,000 zlotys (£3,000) and several thousand zlotys to a fund set up to help crime victims.

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