Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu’s trial turning to persecution – Lawyer Ejimakor

Aloy Ejimakor, the Lead Counsel to Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, on Friday said the trial of the Biafra agitator is turning from prosecution to persecution.

Ejimakor made the claim while narrating Kanu’s travails since his first arrest in 2015.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja, Ejimakor stressed that Kanu was arrested and detained for nothing.

He said the IPOB leader should not have been arrested and detained, adding that he never deserved the travails he’s going through.

Ejimakor said: “The public should be aware of how this case is turning from prosecution to persecution.

“After he was brought into the country from Kenya, the Federal Government, instead of pivoting on the charges for which Kanu was unlawfully and forcibly brought into the country, abandon those charges, but for one that bothered on false declaration of imported radio equipment. That’s a very unserious charge.

“The more serious ones bordering on treasonable offences where completely abandoned for new 15 charges bordering on terrorism.

“For seven years – 2015 to 2022 when these charges were finally amended to 15 which I call prerendition charges were completely abandoned.

“Nnamdi Kanu suffered at the hands of criminal justice system in Nigeria for seven years for charges that were abandoned. So, for the 18 months he was detained and subsequent arrest in 2015, he was detained for nothing.

“He didn’t deserve the detention, he also didn’t deserve any tribulations and travails he had to go through including the Python dance that almost claimed his life, his parents and lots of innocent people, his exile abroad and rendition.

“So why was he renditioned for charges that were later abandoned? That’s a question that the answer will come one day.”

Ejimakor also disclosed that when the matter began in 2015 and escalated through September 2017 with Python Dance, “Kanu through myself, brought an application before the African Commission on Human and People’s right complaining about the Python dance proscription of IPOB and we won.

“The African Commission wrote a letter to the then President calling for the implementation of certain things they asked him to do.”

He added, “In a swift decision concerning the extraordinary rendition, the United Nations (through its Special Rapporteurs) on 26th August 2021, transmitted a Communication/Decision (No: UA NGA 5/2021) to the Government of Nigeria, conveying its official position that the manner of bringing Nnamdi Kanu from Kenya to Nigeria was illegal and a grave violation of international human rights laws. The United Nations stated further as follows:

“In this connection, we would like to bring to the attention of your Excellency’s Government information we have received concerning allegations of enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment of Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, by Kenyan Security officials, as well as his illegal rendition to Nigeria, to face trial for terrorism related charges, which are believed to be linked to his leadership of the “Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)” group.

“Since his rendition to Nigeria, Mr. Kanu has been allegedly detained by the Department of State Services (DSS), and denied family visits, confidential access to a lawyer, and necessary medical treatment for his underlying health condition.

“While we do not wish to prejudge the accuracy of these allegations, we would like express our concern in relation to the enforced disappearance of Mr. Kanu from 19 June 2021, until his reappearance at Nigerian Federal High Court in Abuja on 29 June 2021, and his reported illegal rendition from Nairobi to Abuja without judicial process. We are further alarmed by the alleged torture and and ill-treatment Mr. Kanu has been subjected during his detention by the DSS in Nigeria. If confirmed.

“The allegations in the case of Mr. Kanu raise serious violations of international human rights law and may cause irreparable damage to his life or personal integrity, which we believe warrants prompt attention.

“In this regard, we are considering to publicly express our concerns in this case in the near future, believing that the wider public should be informed about the implications of these allegations for the enjoyment and exercise of human rights in Kenya and Nigeria.

“Any public expression of concern in this regard, will indicate that we have been in contact with your Excellency’s Government to clarify the issue/s in question.”

Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu’s trial turning to persecution – Lawyer Ejimakor

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