Do we still appreciate the NHS?

Public satisfaction with the NHS has fallen to an all time low (Credits: Alamy Stock Photo)

In today’s MetroTalk, remember when we clapped for the NHS? Well, now, public satisfaction with the NHS is at its lowest level ever, despite this, one reader reminds us to spare a thought for its staff. What do you think?

Meanwhile, is it so hard to be a Lord? Could a House of Citizens do it better? And, readers talk: football shirt controversy and who would want to holiday at a sewage-filled beach?

Plus, a reader complains about Cadbury ’Gesture eggs’, erasing the religious sentiment of Easter.

Share what you think about these topics and more in the comments

Only 24% of people are happy with the NHS.

Public satisfaction with the NHS is at lowest-ever level, with only 24 per cent of people saying they are happy with it.

Where did the British Social Attitudes survey get this figure? No one has ever asked me, my family or my friends. They’re just trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

Of course, hospitals are short staffed and the government sent many staff back to their home countries even though they were wonderful working in our hospitals.

We all know the government is pushing and pushing to privatise the NHS.

And the poor care homes suffer, too.

It’s not a easy job. We should appreciate all the staff on all levels. Anna, London


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I don’t agree with James (MetroTalk, Wed) who says members of the House Lords are ‘mostly a bunch of old farts who don’t do anything worthwhile for 
the country’. His comments are insulting and ageist.

If James thinks he can do a better job, he should stand for parliament as an MP instead of sniping from the sidelines. Scott, West London

Are there any other countries in the world in which the laws are made by hereditary peers, bishops and a bunch of political party donors?

I’d rather have a House of Citizens than a House of Lords, with people from all walks of life contributing, as we do with jury service.

It would bring common sense to Westminster from every part of the UK and could be based on the model of successful citizens’ assemblies. David Jubb, Devon

(Credits: Alamy Stock Photo)

Reports indicate that sewage spills into England’s rivers and seas by water companies more than doubled last year to a staggeringly high total of 3.6million hours of spills. It’s nothing short of a national scandal and it makes the country an international embarrassment.

Tourists from all over the world generally come to Britain in their hordes, but they had better not go bathing or swimming in any of England’s rivers, lakes or coastal waters, otherwise they’ll be in for a surprise – or, even worse, a rude awakening!

They’ll certainly not be sending any postcards back to their relatives, with the message ‘Wish you were here!’ Alan Jensen, West Hampstead

I can’t argue with Martin Hughes (MetroTalk, Wed) when he says ‘the only alternative to the Tories is Labour’. Is it 
a good alternative, though?

It seems to me that on such key issues such as severity of lockdown, stifling over-regulation, Brexit and Gaza, Labour would be no better or worse.

I fear that within a year or two of being elected, they will be almost as unpopular as the government is now. Bernard Winchester, South Norwood

Is anyone else offended by Cadbury this Easter?

Is Cadbury so afraid of offending non-Christian people by selling ‘gesture’ eggs in its store in Spalding, or is it trying to obliterate the fact that Easter is a commemoration of the most profound historic event, one that changed the world for the better?

Easter gives the prospect for hope and healing for individuals, families, communities and society in a world so full of people broken by following false hopes of satisfaction such as by eating chocolate or using drugs or alcohol.

Cadbury has offended millions of its customers. Not exactly the most clever corporate strategy. Jonathan Longstaff, East Sussex

Lego love

Whether Lego is Danish or Norwegian (MetroTalk, Thu), it’s an outstanding invention that has spanned generations for years and will do for years to come – for children as well as adults like myself who still enjoy it.

Long live the Lego king! Bob ‘Lego’ Jones, Kidbrooke

What’s all the fuss about? (Picture: DANIEL LEAL/AFP via Getty Images)

I’ve got to agree with Reece (MetroTalk, Wed) who says the fuss about the multicoloured St George’s Cross on the new England football kit is ‘ridiculous’.

I remember the malarkey about the three male lions being replaced by a lion, lioness and cub badge in 2021.

It was for a campaign – the official badge didn’t change – and who are we to criticise a design company for trying something new? Jordan, London

Pleased to see that half of the Gary the Gorilla statue has been found (Metro, Wed) – by the staff from the aptly named Bear Scotland!

He was spotted on a layby on the A92 in Fife, 60 miles from the garden centre he was stolen from. Sara, Cheltenham

Tailgating, gruesome burials & a job for the obnoxious

Should the police prosecute tailgaters? (Credits: Getty Images)

Much has been made of the dangers of speeding, especially in recent times with speed-awareness courses and posters everywhere with phrases
such as ‘Kill your speed before you kill a child’ etc.

However, as all good drivers will know, if you drive at an appropriate speed, you won’t have to wait long at all before you get someone driving 6cm from your bumper and sometimes hooting as well.

All these measures to tackle speeding are well and good, but if the police are going to prosecute speeders, they need to prosecute tailgaters as well. Nick, London

Can I join the hundreds who’ll be keen to correct your statement in Today In History on Tuesday last week that said the first cremation in Britain took place in 1885.

Many centuries before, during the Roman occupation of Britain, cremation was widely practised, alongside burial – as well as some unfortunates being thrown into the sea or left out for the birds. Cliff Laine, Bristol

The more obnoxious a person is, the more they’re on BBC radio. I’m thinking of Gyles Brandreth and Sue Perkins. Please put them in Room 101. John Lewis, Liverpool

What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

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