Schoolgirl who only ate soft beige foods due to fear of choking can finally enjoy Easter eggs after hypnosis

A SCHOOLGIRL who only ate soft beige foods can finally enjoy chocolate Easter eggs for the first time thanks to hypnosis.

Betsy Pearson, ten, refused anything hard like raw veg or fruit because of a fear of choking.

Betsy Pearson’s parents turned to a hypnotherapist to cure her fear of chocolateSWNS

Docs dismissed her as fussy so mum Amy, 37, of Huddersfield, took her to Harley Street hypnotherapist David Kilmurry.

He diagnosed avoidant restrictive food intake disorder and within one session she was trying new foods.

David said: “I’m really pleased that she can now eat coloured foods which means fruit and veg — and, of course, chocolate Easter eggs.”

Betsy said: “I really enjoy trying different things now.

“I really like yoghurt and can’t wait to eat a chocolate egg this Easter.”

A trial is also underway to help children eat foods they may be allergic to.

A study found that children and teens taking a medical drug named Xolair were able to eat foods they were allergic to without experiencing a life-threatening reaction.

People receiving Xolair injections every two to four weeks would be protected from accidental exposure to problem foods, the researchers suggested.

The drug is being trialed in the US and is subject to regulatory approval.

Betsy is enjoying now being able to colourful food after eating a bland dietSWNS

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