Brits wake up to fog, frost and rain during one of wettest Februaries

The flooded A1101 in Welney, Norfolk (Picture: PA)

This February may come short of being an all-time record breaker for rainfall – but it surely is trying for one.

More than 200 warnings and alerts for floods were in place across parts of the UK overnight.

Rivers are set to overflow in the south-east and parts of the south of England and Worcestershire today.

Forecasters have warned that lands, roads and properties will flood and there will be travel disruption.

The flood waters remain high in Sonning on Thames after the River Thames breached its banks (Picture: Shutterstock)

Further groundwater flooding is possible throughout this week in the Malton area of North Yorkshire, and parts of the south of England.

There were 55 flood warnings and another 155 flood alerts dotted across the UK last night, while 83 warnings were removed yesterday.

Although is unlikely a new national rainfall record for this month, the country has seen nearly a third more rain than would be expected.

‘Some locations may approach or exceed record-breaking levels but for the UK as a whole it is unlikely to see the rainfall we saw in 2020,’ said Ellie Glaisyer, a Met Office meteorologist.

‘In the UK we have seen 131% of the February rainfall we would usually expect.’

She said there had been 78% more rain than expected in England, 53% more in Wales but slightly less (6%) than average in Scotland and nearly a fifth less (18% lower than average) in Northern Ireland.

Ms Glaisyer said the heaviest rainfall this month had occurred across central and southern England.

Fog and frost is expected to set in overnight as temperatures continue to languish in the low single digits.

The Met Office said: ‘Any mist and fog patches soon clearing as rain and cloud sinks southeast through the day, though weakening as it goes. Sunny spells and blustery showers follow behind.’

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