Child killer sentenced to death for murdering sisters after raping one of them

Howard Steven Ault has moved on and off death row repeatedly over decades (Picture: Local10)

A convicted child murderer is set to be executed in the US nearly 30 years after his crimes due to new death penalty laws in Florida.

Howard Steven Ault, 57, lured sisters DeAnn Emerald Mu’min, 11, and Alicia Sybilla Jones, 7, to his home in Fort Lauderdale after befriending their mother and promising them Halloween treats in 1996.

He raped DeAnn in front of the younger girl before strangling both of them and hiding their bodies in his attic.

Ault was arrested after the girls’ bodies were found two days later, and he would be sentenced to execution for the first time in 2000.

But he moved on and off death row several times over the coming decades due to legal cases linked to Florida’s rules around execution, which allow convicts to be executed if a big enough majority of jurors vote for it.

His death sentence was overturned in 2003 after Florida’s Supreme Court found the judge in his case had wrongly dismissed a potential juror who expressed opposition in the death penalty.

At the time, the threshold for executing a convict was a 9-3 jury vote, and the tally in his case only just met this.

The sisters were brutally murdered by a known sex offender who befriended their mother (Picture: Local10)

Had the dismissed juror been included instead of another, Ault’s life would likely have been spared.

A retrial was held in 2007, when another jury again recommended the death penalty.

Ault then sat on death row for 10 years until Florida’s Supreme Court ruled in 2017 that the state’s death penalty process was unconstitutional as it didn’t require jurors to make a unanimous decision.

But execution was later made even easier than it had been before the court’s intervention due to outrage over a school shooting.

A jury voted to send him to death row for the third time on Thursday (Picture: Local10)

A gunman who killed 17 in a school in Parkland in 2018 was spared death in 2022 after a jury only voted 12-9 to execute him.

Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, pushed for a change in law last year that allows juries to recommend a death sentence with an 8-4 vote rather than by unanimous decision.

Jurors still have to unanimously agree that the crime was aggravated by at least one factor, and that it outweighs mitigating circumstances.

Yet another jury voted 9-3 on Thursday to sent Ault back to death row.

Ault’s defence attorney told jurors her client was ‘mentally broken’ by childhood sexual abuse, beatings and brain damage caused by his mother drinking during pregnancy.

Ault’s defence attorney said the killer should be spared as he was himself a victim of child abuse

Lien Lafargue also pointed out Ault quickly confessed to police, showed remorse and admitted he needed to be locked up.

‘A death sentence is not going to bring these two little girls back,’ she said. ‘It’s definitely not going to make this family’s pain any less.’

‘Every single reason that I’ve given you is a reason to give him life because he’s a damaged man. Show the mercy he didn’t show those victims.’

Ault was previously known as a sex offender and was on house arrest for sexually abusing another child when he murdered the sisters.

Ault is still awaiting a formal sentencing by a judge in April, but the death penalty recommendation is widely expected to be upheld.

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