Body language expert gives ‘chilling’ verdict on Putin’s Tucker Carlson interview

Russian president Vladimir Putin during the interview with US television host Tucker Carlson in Moscow (Picture: Reuters)

Vladimir Putin’s interview with a former Fox News host – his first to a Western media figure since launching his full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago – was a masterclass on how ‘to retain control and signal authority’.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Russia’s leader rattled away – uninterrupted – for hours, schooling the Donald Trump supporter about his version of history and promoting conspiracy theories.

It is now evident why the Kremlin granted an interview to Carlson – it gave Putin a free pass to advance his propaganda.

While many viewers were focused on what the president had to say, leading body language expert Judi James observed the interaction between the two.

She told that Putin’s first ‘ploy’ appeared to be an act of distraction. 

The expert added: ‘It is hard to continue talking when your audience is busy doing something else rather than listening.

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‘It is a very powerful put-down that can sap confidence in the speaker and even make it hard to go on talking.

‌’As Tucker threw out his first question then, Putin was doing what actors call a “bit of business”, fiddling with his watch strap before taking the watch off and placing it carefully down onto the table to suggest he would be in control of the timing.

‘When Putin asked Tucker “Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” the US presenter threw his mouth open in a loud, shriek of a laugh as though he’d just heard a joke from Chris Rock.’

The president domineered the conversation with steering phrases like: ‘Now I will tell you what happened later..’ and his final comment: ‘Shall we end here?’

‌His overall demeanour suggested he was enjoying himself, Ms James speculated.

Putin raising both index fingers in a rigid upward point to signal an assumption of authority (Picture: TCN)

As he lectured Carlson on the history of Russia and the world in the first hour of the interview, his cheeks appeared ’rounded’ to register pleasure and his prime gesticulation ‘defined authority and control’.

Ms James also noticed Putin using his raised index finger throughout and at one point raising both index fingers in a rigid upward point to signal an assumption of authority.

‘There were some mocking laughs and when he referred to the “So-called civilized West” his upper lip rose in a micro-sneer,’ she said.

‘His narrative of being wronged by the world came with regular gestures of regret and defensiveness.

‘His shoulder shrugs looked ironic when he mentioned Boris and at more than one point he placed both hands out, palms-outward and fingers splayed as though signalling “Don’t blame me”.’

Despite footage showing the president’s leg twitching throughout the interview, the expert said ‘there were few if any signs’ of his rumoured ill health.

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She added: ‘He did clear his throat frequently and sipped water at one point but this was a lecture lasting over two hours, with an almost ceaseless verbal narrative.

‌’He dabbed the side of his nose with one knuckle and his feet did move about at some points but not in what looked like the kind of involuntary shuffle that we’ve seen before, just a lifting of one toe as he spoke.

‌’His hand did move down to his thigh once but it wasn’t in the kind of heavy clasping or corrective movement that you might get if he was stopping his leg from juddering.

‘Chillingly, he kept up a two hour virtual monologue with energy and with active gesticulation and with no signs of pauses created by any confusion or deliberation.’

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