Frisky men eat MORE fatty foods like kebabs when in the mood for love, study finds

MEN eat more when they are in the mood for love, meaning the way to a man’s heart really is through his stomach.

A study found that blokes scoff fatty foods when they are in mating mode — possibly out of a desire to bulk up and look buff to wow the ladies.

Professor Jinlong Su’s study found that men are 22 per cent more likely to choose high-fat food on a date compared to dining with a palGetty

This means they could be more likely to choose meals like kebabs, as it’s believed there’s a desire to bulk up in an attempt to woo the ladiesGetty

Meanwhile, women opt for healthier meals because they believe slim is sexy.

Professor Jinlong Su, from Nanjing Normal University in China, said: “Food choice plays an important role in body shaping and attractiveness.”

Prof Su’s study tested the food choices of 60 men and women based on whether they were eating with a date or a friend.

Men on a date are 22 per cent more likely to choose high-fat food than if they are with a pal.

Women are 24 per cent less likely to pick junk food when dining with a love interest.

Writing in journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Prof Su said: “There are many ways to make the body attractive, and for women one of them is to have a low body mass index.

“One way to get a low BMI is to restrain from eating high-calorie food.

“Interestingly, men showed the opposite trend.

“It is possible that the mental state of mating contributes to the desire for muscle mass gain.

“That makes them choose more high-fat food.”

About 69 per cent of men in the UK are obese compared to 66 per cent of women.

Men are also more likely to be single.

An estimated 10.4million were unmarried or divorced in 2022 versus 10.2million women.

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