Nigerian Judiciary Should Reprogramme Own Mechanism – Prof Cyprian

Director-general of the Institute of Law Research and Development of the United Nations (ILAWDUN), Washington DC, USA, Prof Cyprian Edward-Ekpo has said the Nigerian judiciary needs to reprogramme its mechanism to appoint best brains into the bench

Edward-Ekpo, who is based in the United States of America (USA) said “this is an issue that is of concern to all the citizens of Nigeria whether in diaspora or within Nigeria.”

In an interview with journalists, he said, „The image of the Nigerian judiciary affects so many things like the economy, foreign direct investments, visa applications by Nigerians, how the citizens are respected in foreign lands, and development index.

“This is because; the law stands as the central system of which all rights are asserted, controlled and achieved.

“Nigerians, anywhere they are, should be concerned that their legal system, courts and judgments of court are respected as sacrosanct.

“This will encourage investors, boost development, reduce the incessant denial of travel visas to students and tourists from Nigeria.

“Anywhere there is confidence in the court system, development and respect flourishes. Investors are sure their businesses are guaranteed.

“Any country where the citizens and visitors lose hope in the judiciary system always collapses. So my earlier request for judicial reform to the authorities was for the good image of Nigerian judiciary

“My letter to the authorities had nothing to do with politics.  I am not a politician; I don’t live in Akwa Ibom, except a few days of my childhood,’’ he said.

The don further stressed that he is not infused into the politics of the third world society or of any country.

He urged Nigerians to learn how to separate issues of law, policy, socialism and development from politicking.

He further said that his office as director of Institute of Law Research and Development of the United Nations is real and exists, adding that it is regrettable that some mischievous people would think otherwise.

Edward-Ekpo expressed disappointment that some people in corridors of power only operate between the realm of sycophancy, materialistic pecuniary interest and prejudice.

He further stressed that instead of discussing issues, they prefer to discuss personality.



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