My Apple watch saved my life after I suffered deadly medical emergency

A JOGGER’S smartwatch saved his life when he suffered a heart attack.

Paul Whapham used the Apple device to call wife Laura who found him doubled over in the street with chest pains.

Paul Whapham, with daughter Sophia, used his Apple device to call wife Laura who found him doubled over in the street with chest painsWNS

She drove him to hospital where doctors operated on a blocked artery.

Paul, 42, spent six days recovering before returning home.

The Hockey Wales CEO, from Swansea, said: “I managed to use my watch to phone Laura.

“Luckily I was only five minutes away.

 “It was a bit of a shock as I’m not overweight and I try to keep fit so I had no risk factors.”

Paul — dad to Sophia — added: “The care I received was brilliant. I can’t speak highly enough of the staff.

“They took me down and carried out emergency angioplasty. They removed the blockage and then I also had to have a stent fitted.

“I was told I also had pulmonary oedema, where my lungs were filling with fluid. Because it happened early in the morning, staff had to come in from home to do the procedure.”

“I am also really thankful to my wife for bringing me to hospital because it was a shock for her as well.”

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