Darlyn Morais: Spider bites, kills popular Brazilian singer

Darlyn Morais, a popular Brazilian singer, has died due to complications from a spider bite.

Morais became ill after being bitten by a spider on October 31, at his home in the northeastern city of Miranorte.

Also, his 18-year-old stepdaughter, who also suffered a spider bite, is currently hospitalised.

The singer’s wife, Jhullyenny Lisboa told Brazilian news outlet, G1, that the stepdaughter was in a stable condition.

She said Morais began to experience symptoms of fatigue and noticed a change in the colour of the bruise on his face following the spider bite.

“He felt weakness in his body and his face started to darken on the same day.

“Morais developed allergic reactions later during the week and visited a hospital in Miranorte, where he was treated and discharged Friday,” she said.

Darlyn Morais: Spider bites, kills popular Brazilian singer

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