Less than a third of over-60s have a plan for later life care, survey shows

LESS than a third of over 60s have a clear plan in place for later life care — with many admitting they haven’t given it a “second’s thought”.

The study of 1,300 adults aged 60 and over revealed 18 per cent of these have deliberately ignored later life planning because they don’t want to admit they are getting old.

Less than a third of over 60s have a clear plan in place for later life care, a survey shows

And a quarter feel they have “more pressing things to worry about”.

Despite this, 68 per cent already feel like they would resist any attempt to move into a care home, with 62 per cent fearing their quality of life would diminish.

Of these, 85 per cent worry about losing their independence, and 67 per cent don’t think they will be able to continue to do what they love.

The study, commissioned by Sanctuary Care, also revealed one in four are unsure if care facilities are a safe environment, and 39 per cent are concerned staff shortages in the care industry will impact their later life.

Sarah Clarke-Kuehn, of the not-for-profit care home provider, said: “It is no secret that the care sector has been through an incredibly challenging time, and this has had an impact on the public’s perception of care homes.

“It is important to understand the honest opinions of those who might require care home services in the coming years so that we can continue to rebuild faith and trust in the sector.

“We understand that moving yourself or a loved one into a care home may stir up a range of emotions as it signals a change for any family.

“However, we know our care homes are caring, safe and empowering communities, which enrich the lives of residents and provide families much-needed peace of mind.”

Those polled were asked how care homes can rebuild trust with the public, with 67 per cent wanting to see an adequate number of staff to cope with the demand.

Showing residents their quality of life would improve is important for 64 per cent, while 53 per cent need to know lessons have been learnt from the pandemic with plans in place to ensure residents will be safe if there’s another spike in cases.

Others are considering alternative plans for later life, with 45 per cent of over 60s trying to save enough to afford care assistance in their own home.

Whereas 41 per cent would consider downsizing their current property so it is more manageable.

And 15 per cent are even thinking about moving closer to their children so they can be on hand to help them in later life.

However, of those with kids, 51 per cent are worried they might become a financial or physical burden to their children as they get older.

But 73 per cent are yet to discuss plans for later life with their children.

Almost half (48 per cent) have avoided the conversation because they don’t feel ready yet, and 35 per cent don’t want to worry them.

The study, conducted via OnePoll, also revealed how respondents’ priorities for later life have changed as they have got older.

Independence (80 per cent) ranked as the most important thing over 60s want in their golden years, followed by being able to remain active (75 per cent) and continue doing the things they love (71 per cent).

Financial stability is essential for 70 per cent, while 54 per cent want to ensure they still have a purpose in later life.

Sarah Clarke-Kuehn, from Sanctuary Care, which has produced a documentary series addressing perceptions of care homes, added: “There are so many things to consider as we age, ranging from financial and emotional support to what really matters to us.

“We know it can be difficult to think about this, but having these conversations early and considering all options available should enable a smoother transition into later life.”

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