Mindfulness: A Simple, Fast Way To Reduce Stress, Boost Resilience


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and focusing on your breathing and sense without getting caught up in thoughts about the past or future.  Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce stress, boost mood, and improve sleep quality. One specific aspect of mindfulness that’s become popular is mindful eating.  Mindful eating is the practice of paying close attention to your food as you eat it, savoring each bite, and noticing how the food makes you feel.  It’s thought to help people become more attuned to their hunger and fullness cues and may help them make healthier food choices.

The first step is to eat without distractions, like turning off the TV or putting away your phone.  Next, take a few moments to examine the food before you eat it, noticing its color, texture, and smell.  As you eat, pay attention to how the food tastes and feels in your mouth, and notice how your body feels. Then try taking three deep breaths between each bite of food.  This can help you slow down and focus on the experience of eating.  Another tip is to pay attention to the point at which you start to feel full and stop eating when you reach that point.  Remember, the goal of mindful eating is not to deprive yourself, but to develop a more conscious relationship with food.

One more aspect of mindful eating that’s worth mentioning, and that’s gratitude.  Gratitude is the practice of being thankful for the food you have and appreciating the fact that it nourishes your body.  This can help you have a more positive attitude about eating and may even increase your enjoyment of food. One might also want to try incorporating mindful eating into other parts of your life, like mindful drinking and mindful breathing.  Mindful drinking is simply paying attention to your drink as you sip it, noticing the taste and the sensations in your body.  Mindful breathing is similar – it’s the practice of focusing on your breath and letting go of any thoughts or worries that arise.

Another way to be mindful is to take a mindful walk.  This involves walking slowly and paying attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.  You can also try mindful journaling, which is the practice of writing down your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way.  Finally, you can try mindful listening, which involves focusing on what the other person is saying and trying to understand their perspective.

One might want to try a mindfulness app.  There are many different mindfulness apps available, and they can guide you through mindfulness exercises and help you track your progress. There are a few mindfulness apps that are recommended for checking out.  One is called “Headspace”, which offers guided meditations, mindful walking exercises, and sleep music.  Another popular app is “Calm”, which offers similar features plus body scans and mindful eating exercises.

If you’re feeling stressed, take just five minutes each day to focus on your breath and clear your mind.  Over time, you may find that mindfulness becomes a valuable tool for managing stress and improving your overall well-being.

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