The 4 subtle symptoms of dementia you can spot in your eyes years before your memory starts to go

THE eyes are often described as windows to the soul.

But experts have discovered that they could also be windows to the brain – predicting your risk of dementia.

Getty – ContributorEyes can reveal health problems from inside the body[/caption]

Nearly one million people in the UK are living with dementia.

And with an ageing population, that number is likely to grow, as getting older is the biggest risk factor in developing the condition.

It’s one of the leading causes of death globally – with 1.8million lives lost to the disease in 2019.

Until scientists discover a cure, having ways to diagnose the condition as early as possible gives people the best chance of managing the disease and alleviating symptoms.

Earlier diagnosis can also give them and their families more time to understand their diagnosis and plan for the future.

Studies previously found that conditions such as fatigue, hearing loss and sleep disorders could all predict your risk of the condition.

Now, Dr Jørn Slot Jørgensen, leading ophthalmologist at Laser Eye Clinic in London, has warned of the four signs of dementia you can spot in the eyes before memory issues arise.

“In some cases, these signs may be subtle and may not be immediately recognisable.

“However, in other cases, they may become noticeable enough to prompt further investigation,” he told The Express.

Dr Jørn recommends keeping an eye out for the following symptoms:

1. Changes in vision

Individuals with dementia may experience difficulty with visual perception, including trouble judging distances or identifying colours and contrasts

2. Difficulty reading or writing

Dementia can lead to problems with reading comprehension, writing coherently, or understanding symbols and numbers

3. Visual hallucinations

Some people with dementia may experience visual hallucinations (seeing things that are not present)

4. Impaired visual memory

Recalling faces, places, or objects may become challenging for individuals with dementia

He added: “If you notice any warning signs in the eyes, it’s crucial to take immediate action and speak to your GP.”

Previous research suggests that the thinning of a person’s retina during middle age is likely to be an indicator of cognitive performance in their early adult life.

The retina is the sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye and looking into this at an early age could help medics scope out Alzheimer’s early on.

Other signs

It’s important to know that vision changes do not always appear first when a person has dementia. 

According to the NHS, other signs of the condition include:

memory lossdifficulty concentratingfinding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change when shoppingstruggling to follow a conversation or find the right wordbeing confused about time and placemood changes

Different types of dementia can affect people differently, and everyone will experience symptoms in their own way.

Two new drugs, named donanemab and lecanemab, have been proven to slow the disease in older people — heralding a new era where it could become treatable.

The potentially game-changing drugs are still in the trial phase, so until it becomes readily available catching the disease early promises the best outcomes.

Do I have dementia?

Experts have devised a test that can be used to spot dementia nearly a decade before doctors notice symptoms.

Cambridge University experts say the simple quiz which test basic memory could be used to screen people and start treatment earlier.

Both tests rely on subtle differences that could easily be missed

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