I found angry note on my car after rushing my son to hospital with broken bone – they moaned I didn’t reverse park

A MUM saw red after a motorist put a foul-mouthed note on her car after she rushed her son to hospital.

She said she left her husband to park as she helped her stricken child into the emergency room in Mackay, Australia.

Facebook/4MK MackayThe fuming mum found a rude note on her car[/caption]

But when she returned to the car after her son was treated for a broken bone, she discovered a piece of paper with a “cold-hearted” note scrawled across it on her windscreen.

The irate driver bizarrely slammed the mum as a “b****” for failing to reverse park.

It read: “Hey rude b****.

“You will notice the sign says ‘reverse parking’.

“I was about to reverse park and you snuck right in – then had the nerve to try obfuscate. Dirty window?

“You don’t even make sense. I note you didn’t reverse park.”

In a now-deleted Facebook post, the furious mother branded the driver a “coward” and demanded they have some empathy, reports Yahoo.

She wrote: “The way my husband parked was the last thing on his mind when seeking emergency medical attention for our child.

“As I imagine is the same for literally every other car in here who has reversed parked. (Note all the empty spots too, we’ve only been here for 30 minutes).

“You’re clearly just a cold-hearted coward.

“Maybe next time consider the circumstances, you very well may have left this note on the car of someone whose family member is passing away.

“Have some bloody empathy – it’s not hard.”

Social media users back the mum and told the irate motorist to “get a life”.

One commented: “They not long ago changed to reverse parking, I’ve been caught out myself.

“I think in an emergency does it really matter!”.

Another added: “Couldn’t have been in too much of a hurry if there was time to write a note.”

It comes after another driver claimed a stranger scrawled a parking complaint on their car even though they didn’t do anything wrong.

The anonymous driver took to Reddit to show users the message the angry driver wrote all over their car door – potentially costing him a fortune to remove.

Reddit user @u/krammy16 posted a picture of a white car with a message on the driver’s door that reads: “Next time you park, consider other people – and don’t take two spaces.”

It’s understood the picture was taken in Ponsonby, New Zealand.

The motorist titled the post: “Maniac with a marker pen on the loose.”

But it left social media users divided on who was to blame.

One said: “Whenever somebody posts a picture on here of lousy parking, people are braying for the driver’s car to be damaged, but when somebody does it, the guy is a psycho?

“As you said, it is impossible to judge without a picture, but if he was parked selfishly, then I think having a message scrawled on the car is not unreasonable.”

Another said: “Show us how you parked. And don’t exaggerate.”

While a third pointed out: “Everything about this suggests they did indeed park like c***s.”

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