Why Nigerian youths should shelve nationwide protest –Akukwe

By Dickson Okafor

National President, Global Freight Forwarders and Maritime Association (GFFMA), Basil Akukwe, has said there is indeed hunger in the country due to economic hardship, but appealed to the youth to shelve planned nationwide protest because it is an ill-wind at this time. He spoke on various issues in this interview.

To cushion the effect of economic hardship, FG has withdrawn taxes, duties and tariff on essential commodities such as rice for six months and members of the House of Representatives have slashed half of their salaries for six months, can these moves reduce hunger caused by economic hardship?

Unfortunately, these measures may not reduce the level of hunger and economic hardship in the country unless corruption is killed. All we need is a true leader that can lead without fear because in one of Jack Welch’s quote, he said, “When you were made a leader, you weren’t given a crown; you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others.” This is the quality of leaders we so desire in Nigeria especially. It was Warren Bennis who opined that, “Leadership is the capacity to translate a vision into a reality” and John C. Maxwell also said, “a leader is one who knowns the way, shows the way and goes the way”. But so far, our leaders have not imbibed these virtues. Therefore, for these gestures to have positive effect, President Tinubu must embrace the three essentials to leadership – “Humility, clarity and courage and that is what youths and Nigerians expect from him at this time. Yes, these are some of the virtues our leaders lack which put us into the present economic hardship. No amount of tax reduction, free duties or tariff granted to importers that will reduce high cost of goods and services until we begin to produce what we eat. There is no shortcut to economic recovery, but proper economic planning and implementation; we must eschew corruption. No doubt, suspension of taxes, duties and tariff on essential commodities will yield result if government is sincere. Most times, there has been good policies, but the problem is proper implementation. Instead of such laudable policies to impact on the lives of the citizens positively, it worsened their situation. So, it is a welcome decision by the President Bola Tinubu led administration if well implemented.

Don’t you see economic revival with the appointment of the President of Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Tony Elumelu and Bismack Rewane and others as members of Tinubu’s Economic Team with the mandate to reduce the prices of essential commodities?

According to Henry Clay, “Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.” Unfortunately, our leaders keep their eyes in keeping themselves in power while the welfare of the people is secondary to them. In consonance with my commitment to encouraging our people towards entrepreneurship and expertise, which those that constitute the economic team are known for, they must understand that the problem of Nigerians is local because the pains we are suffering is afflicted on us by our leaders who appointed these persons to clean their economic mess. The worst mistake Dangote and co will make is being too afraid to expose those who put us into this unwarranted hardship as they proffer solutions. Truth is like a surgery; it hurts but cures. Lie is like a pain killer, it gives instant relief, but has side effects. Why am I saying this? It is because I know that Dangote and Elumelu may not step on so many toes and that may hinder them from delivering on their mandate. Also, President Tinubu may not as well step on toes because of his second term ambition. Therefore, it takes courage to revamp the nation’s economy and grow the other sectors because your self worth is determined by you. Frankly speaking, I object to that belief that Dangote, Elumelu, Rewane and others are capable to turn the economy around. Because I expected the government to go to the grassroots where ordinary Nigerians dwell and do on the spot investigation and engage economic experts and entrepreneurs who are not business agents of some past and present Nigerian Presidents and leaders. To me, those that constitute the Economic Team of Tinubu are loyalists’ or business partners of some of our leaders which made such appointments a mere formality. President Tinubu should reach out to major stakeholders, market men and women and artisans on how to directly support them and not through established individuals. The trillions of naira budgeted to alleviate poverty under the former President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration did not get the people rather, it went down the drain. Recently, the data declared by Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) made us to know that in the last four months, food scarcity rose up to 40 percent. Even the palliative that the Federal Government distributed across the country to vulnerable people to cushion the effects of fuel subsidy removal did not get to the people. So, these appointments are Tinubu’s strategy to pacify certain people and tribes ahead of his reelection in 2027.

Nigerians got aggrieved when the National Assembly approved the purchase of new presidential jet for President Tinubu and reconstruction of the residence of the vice President with N21billion when there is high level of hunger in Nigeria, what is your take?

We all know how past leaders ran the country and it is not different from what the presidency is doing now and that is why hungry Nigerians have concluded a plan to embark on nationwide protests. Like I said earlier, these leaders care more about themselves than the masses. The punch of Presidential jet and reconstruction of the residence of the vice President is geared towards financing the 2027 Presidential election. Because the Tinubu I know wouldn’t agree for a new aircraft to be purchased for him when Nigerians are hungry. That is why many well-meaning Nigerians are praying to God to give us a leader who knows what it takes to lead us out of economic problem. And as you and I know, the only way out of Nigeria’s problem is the emergence of a very good leader that can turn around the country. Who will not be corrupt, passionate and can sacrifice his life for the citizens. Look at what is going on Kenya? President Ruto only sent a bill to the parliament to increase tax, the people took to the street and protested against the Presidential decision and immediately Ruto withdrew the bill but the people are insisting that he must leave office. In Nigeria, our leaders take such decisions without minding its consequence on the people and they get away with it because the people accept such policies and decisions that are not beneficial to them. And until Nigerians do away with sentiments such as tribe, religion and ethnicity when electing leaders, we will continue to be shortchanged. So, the issue of purchasing a new aircraft for the President and construction of residence for the vice President is like beating around the bush. Because this country has not been run under equity and justice. So, we are in a very difficult situation in Nigeria.

But with elected members of Labour Party (LP) in the 10th National Assembly, many are of the view they ought to have objected to the demand because if something had been done there wouldn’t have been plan for nationwide protest, do you share the same view?

Yes, members of the National Assembly indeed warned President Tinubu of the impending danger if he does not curtail the level of hunger in Nigeria. But was after they had approved the purchase of Presidential jet for Tinubu. Yes, Labour Party members ought to oppose it, but they are there fore their pocket. The people would have not planned to embark on nationwide protest if government had curtailed spending extravagantly at least to prevent what is happening in Kenya from taking place here. But I appeal to youth to shelve their plan for nationwide protest because it is an ill-wind at this time. It may be hijacked by hoodlums. Meanwhile, let’s be serious with those who constitute the present National Assembly. You and I know that the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) is in the majority while the other political parties are minority. And from what we know, lawmakers in Nigeria are selfish because if they can’t get what they want from their parties, they will crossover to the ruling party. So, you find out that it is like a football match and after the match, they will all sit down and enjoy together.

South-East Town unions have backed governors demand for the freedom of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, do you see Tinubu- led government releasing him from detention?

To be honest, that is a very good move by the South-East governors and Town unions to meet President Tinubu to push for the release of Nnamdi Kanu from detention. I don’t know why the young man will still be held when other leaders who led agitations are freely walking the streets of Nigeria. People like Sunday Igboho, leaders of Oduwa Republic, Asari Dokubo and some leaders of Boko Haram and bandits are free. What makes Kanu’s case different? Or is it a ploy and conspiracy by government to destabilize the lgbo through creating insecurity in the geopolitical zone? Or cause disunity among Igbo? These are questions begging for an answer. So, I appeal to President Tinubu to release Nnamdi Kanu in order to carry Igbo along and implore total reconciliation of the six geopolitical zones.

Since the emergence of this government, it seems insurgency, banditry and kidnapping have come to stay as all efforts by the military to tame them has yielded little result; what do you think is fueling insurgency in the North?

It has to do with seeking settlement by migrants in some areas in the North by the Fulani and it did not start today. The movement of these people from the Central Africa to seek settlement is the cause of the aggressiveness we are witnessing in the North. It is majorly caused by people migrating from one place to another to where they will settle. For instance, you cannot come from somewhere to come and settle in my village without giving you a temporary land and with time, you will vacate the place. Again, you and I know that in the North, there are a lot of mineral resources that are not tapped such as gold, oil, coal and the land is so fertile, hence these migrants come to tap these natural resources by force. So, these resources are being tapped by bandits and foreigners especially in Zamfara State; that is why they kidnap and kill people in order to be in control of these resources. This is quite different from what is happening in South-East which is created to bring disunity among the Igbo.

With the creation of the Ministry of Livestock Development and establishment of South-East Development Commission by President Tinubu, can these restore peace in Nigeria?

First, I commend President Tinubu for heeding to our demand for the 54 years for the fulfilment of the 3Rs Gen. Yakubu Gowon promised immediately after the civil war. He said no victor, no vanquished. He also said it was time for Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (3R). Yes, there will be peace in the South-East if Tinubu also releases Mazi Nnamdi Kanu from detention. However, the creation of the Ministry of Livestock Development by Tinubu is a reintroduction of RUGA and may be a big mistake which will further divide the country. What is the need of Ministry of Agriculture? Ministry of Agriculture has a department that deals with livestock issues. The immediate past administration tried the reduce ministries, departments and agencies by merging those with similar responsibilities to reduce cost. But Tinubu is creating more to appease the North. And that is why Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association (MACBA) quickly hailed him for creating the ministry. They commended President Tinubu for the gesture which Buhari could not do. This is also a move to actualize his reelection in 2027. As it stands, what Tinubu is after is to get reelected. There is something Tinubu is not telling Nigerians he met on ground that is responsible for the economic pains the people are passing through. Because we know that former President Buhari, his predecessor put us into the economic mess we find ourselves today and we expect Tinubu to open up, but he won’t do so because he needs their support in 2027. Buhari removed fuel subsidy from the 2023 budget and said it will take effect from June while he left office on May 29. Tinubu must put an end to the economic hardship in the country fast or forget being reelected in 2027. He must tell Nigerians what he met on ground that cause the present economic hardship the people are going through or he should not aspire for second term in 2027. Because with the way things are going, over 90 percent of Nigerians are hungry and we won’t continue to be in this situation for 8 years, hence there must be a true change.

The post Why Nigerian youths should shelve nationwide protest –Akukwe appeared first on The Sun Nigeria.

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