Horrifying moment bullfighter is gored in the rectum & viciously tossed around in front of screaming crowd

THIS is the horrifying moment a matador was brutally gored in the rectum and violently tossed around by a bull in a packed arena.

The crowd erupted into screams of terror as Alejandro Conquero, 28, was speared by the animal’s horns and hoisted into the air in Spain.

Alejandro Conquero was gored in the rectum by the rampaging bull

The matador was sent flying through the air as the animal charged at him

The bullfighter, from Huelva, in Andalucia, is said to be in a “serious” condition after the stomach-churning incident on Monday.

He remains in hospital after sustaining horrific injuries during the high-stakes event in Cenicientos, Madrid.

Shocking video captured the moment Alejandro was impaled in the backside by the raging bull as spectators watched from the stands.

He is first seen sporting a traditional matador costume and taunting the white bull with a pink and yellow cape as the audience gasps.

But with each sweep of the colourful fabric, the bullfighter unwittingly becomes closer and closer to the beast’s horns.

Alejandro edges closer to the fence as the bull charges towards his cape once again, before it collides with his upper body.

The matador is suddenly sent flying through the air by the animal, as it effortlessly flips him over its head.

He is left sprawled across the sand while lying face down on his stomach while the bull shunts him towards the centre of the ring.

And the beast wasn’t finished with him yet – as it makes another beeline for his backside and gores him in between his buttocks.

Alejandro is terrifyingly thrust upright into the air with the animal’s horns lodged in his rectum as the crowd cries out in alarm.

He is again sent spinning through the air before he tumbles back onto the ground, desperate to escape the danger.

Several other bullfighters quickly ran into the ring armed with pink and yellow capes to help him escape the frenzied bull.

The chilling clip – shared on X, formerly known as Twitter – was viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

Alejandro was later seen being airlifted to hospital after being assessed by on-site doctors following the gruesome incident.

Medics diagnosed him at the scene with “a goring in the posterior perianal region, which dissects the rectum through the coccyx and could affect the external sphincter of the anus.”

The young bullfighter was transferred to the Rey Juan Carlos de Mostoles hospital in Madrid, Spanish news agency EFE reported.

The bull was the third animal to have entered the ring at the annual Prieto de la Cal event, according to local media.

Conquero is the son of famed bullfighter Jose Conquero, aka The Hurricane of Huelva.

The shocking spearing comes just weeks after the so-called “Messi of Matadors” was gored by a rampaging 1,000lb bull in Santiago, Spain.

Shocking footage shows the beast charge at Andrés Roca Rey, 26, before crushing him against the barriers and throwing him in the air.

He was left with injuries to his neck, face, right thigh and left knee – the worst of his eight-year career.

Fellow matador Cayetano Rivera Ordoñez dived in to help him, which resulted in him sustaining a rib fracture and edema.

Roca Rey praised his pal in an Instagram post following the heart-stopping close call.

He wrote: “Cayetano, I want to thank you because yesterday you showed your camaraderie and your contempt for life to save mine.”

Last year Roca Rey shunned doctor’s advice after being gored in Bilbao and carried on the contest.

And in 2017, a bull’s horn left a four-inch hole in his left inner thigh.

He was also famously gored five times in his first five fights and has become a viral video sensation – but amazingly refuses to give up the controversial sport.

Roca Rey’s catalogue of injuries includes being battered unconscious and suffering amnesia, being gored in the buttock and groin, having two teeth knocked out when a bull stabbed him in the mouth, concussion and a shattered right cheekbone.

Bullfighting critic Antonio Lorca told The Telegraph: “He is like the Messi or Ronaldo of the bullfighting world.

“No one has such acclaim as him or can fill bullrings wherever he fights.”

Several bullfighters rushed to his aid to help him escape the beast

Alejandro remains in a serious condition in hospital, according to reports

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