Woman left covered in blood in savage OTTER attack as beast ripped chunk off her ear and slashed her face

A MUM feared she would die as she was savaged by an otter.

Jen Royce, 37, lost a chunk of her ear and was left covered in cuts after the ferocious critter attacked her in Montana‘s Jefferson River.

Jen Royce/FacebookJen Royce, 37, was brutally attacked by an otter[/caption]

Jen Royce/FacebookThe mum was left covered in cuts and scratches[/caption]

Jen Royce/FacebookPart of her ear was also ripped off[/caption]

She and two friends were in the water while celebrating her birthday when the “vicious and relentless” beast pounced.

Jen, who lives in Bozeman, said the otter launched itself at her pal – before turning its teeth and claws on her.

She wrote on Facebook: “I didn’t even have a chance to get the words ‘there is an otter behind you,’ out of me before it attacked her.”

Jen said the enraged otter attacked her for around five minutes – biting her face, arms, ears, hands and legs.

She said she frantically tried to get away but struggled as they were in the middle of the river, unable to touch the bottom with their feet.

Jen added: “We were helpless. I tried to kick it away, but I would just get attacked somewhere else.

“I tried to hold it back at one point by grabbing its arm to hold it away while trying to swim closer to shore.”

Jen said the trio eventually managed to get away – swimming to different areas on the shore.

She continued: “Without any exaggeration, God’s honest truth, I did not think I was going to make it out of that river.

“I had no clue if my friends were going to make it out. But by the grace of God we did.”

They desperately dialled 911 – but emergency crews struggled to locate them as they were in such a remote area.

Jen said she was terrified she would die as blood “poured out” of her face.

She added: “I made the choice, knowing the pain it would cause my friend to tell her I loved her and to ask her to watch over my kids.”

Eventually, paramedics made it to the stricken trio and they were raced to hospital.

Harrowing images show her face bloodied and bruised from the brutal attack.

Jen had to undergo surgery following the attack on August 2.

In an update on Facebook, she hailed the support of her family and friends.

She added: “The healing powers of positivity and prayer are real and they are so plentiful right now.

“I am lucky, and I am grateful, and I am alive.”

Well-wishers have donated more than £6,000 to a GoFundMe page set up to help cover Jen’s medical costs.

Jen Royce/FacebookHer arms and legs were left covered in bruises[/caption]

Jen Royce/FacebookShe has undergone surgery and is recovering from the attack[/caption]

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