Starmer Promises Urgent Change In First Speech As UK Prime Minister  

In a historic first speech outside No. 10 Downing Street, UK’s newly appointed Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, vowed to begin urgent work immediately to rebuild and renew the nation.

Starmer’s address followed his formal invitation to form a government by King Charles III at Buckingham Palace.

As he greeted supporters with a smile and handshakes, Starmer emphasised the importance of unity across the UK’s four nations, stating, “Our work is urgent – and we begin it today.” He called for national renewal with “respect and humility,” inviting everyone to join his government in its mission.


Acknowledging the current volatility of the world, Starmer remarked, “Changing a country is not like flicking a switch. It will take a while, but work to change will begin immediately.” He outlined his government’s commitment to “calm and patient rebuilding” and promised to “rebuild the country’s infrastructure of opportunity… brick by brick,” focusing on schools and affordable homes for working-class families.


Starmer addressed the issue of insecurity, criticizing past governments for turning a blind eye as “millions slid into greater insecurity.” He pledged to fight for the people until they “believe again,” asserting that his government will be unburdened by doctrine.


Highlighting the importance of wealth creation, Starmer promised to get the NHS “back on its feet” and secure the UK borders. He also called for a “reset,” urging a rediscovery of the nation’s identity and emphasizing stability and moderation.


“Whether you voted Labour or not – in fact, especially if you did not – I say to you directly, my government will serve you. Politics can be a force for good. We will show that,” Starmer declared. He stressed that public service is a privilege, and his government would treat every person with respect.


Signalling a new era, Starmer acknowledged the growing gap between the sacrifices made by the public and the service received from politicians. He promised that his government would address this weariness and restore hope and belief in a better future.


In a gesture of respect, Starmer thanked outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for his service and acknowledged Sunak’s historic achievement as the first British Asian PM, noting the “extra effort that that will have required.”


Starmer concluded his speech with a commitment to rebuild trust through actions, not words, starting immediately with a renewed focus on public service.

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