Naval Chief Wants Integration Of AI In Military Operations

Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla, has charged the Armed Forces of Nigeria to explore the potential of artificial intelligence in achieving operational efficiency in all theatres of operation.

Ogalla made the call at the second quarter 2024 Defence Headquarters and Services Departments/Branches Transformation Seminar, which the Nigerian Navy hosted yesterday in Abuja. The seminar’s theme was “Harnessing Artificial Intelligence as a Transformation Tool in Contemporary Military Operations.”

He said the seminar came at a time when the armed forces were exploiting transformational and innovative initiatives to enhance operational efficiency in accordance with best practices.

The CNS said the complexity of security challenges across the nation underscored the need for innovative strategies and initiatives, adding that emphasis had been on modernisation of hardware and equipment for enhanced national security.

He said these technological innovations required extensive application of artificial intelligence in conjunction with research and development.

“We are cautious of the fact that the application of artificial intelligence has permeated all spheres of human endeavour, particularly in finance, medicine, space, technology, agriculture, and logistics, among several other areas.

“It is, in fact, the future of military operations, and we must, therefore, ensure that the armed forces of Nigeria meet up with this evolving technological achievement.

“Our armed forces must, therefore, prioritise artificial intelligence to achieve the desired innovation and transformation for enhanced operational readiness and effectiveness.

“This is the desired goal which you, as leaders of the transformation branch of the various services, must work to actualise.

“I therefore encourage us to use these two days to brainstorm on critical issues and challenges inherent in the application of artificial intelligence for improved operational efficiency. This is because everything that has advantages must have some disadvantages.

“So as much as we want to exploit the advantages of AI, we must also be able to surmount those inherent challenges and disadvantages that could arise from them,” he said.

The Chief of Naval Transformation and Innovation, Rear Adm. Michael Oamen, said the seminar was designed to explore viable options for integrating artificial intelligence as a veritable tool for improving operational effectiveness in the Nigerian armed forces.

Oamen said it was aimed at identifying and encouraging innovations as well as research and development with a view to building capacity and capabilities of the armed forces of Nigeria in support of national security imperatives.

He said the second quarter seminar had been programmed for two days to cover topics on artificial intelligence in defence transformation, a potential tool for enhancing operational efficiency in the armed Forces of Nigeria.

He added that the second paper would be leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced research and development towards transforming military operations.

“It is hoped that proceedings from this seminar will serve as a veritable platform for charting workable strategies for improving the integration of artificial intelligent defence research and development as well as drive transformational and innovative aspirations in the services,” he added.

In a related development, the CNS commissioned six blocks of accommodation with 36 flats on Wednesday for Senior Ratings of the Nigerian Navy.

The quarters comprised six blocks of buildings housing 12 units of three-bedroom flats and 18 two-bedroom flats.


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