Extends NHI to poor, most vulnerable, ATM Networks tells govt

The AIDS/HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria (ATM) Networks and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Nigeria has said Nigeria faces significant health challenges, ranking among the top-30 countries burdened by TB and TB-HIV co-infections and has the highest number of malaria cases globally and is second in terms of HIV/AIDS burden.
The team, during their round table meeting on Friday in Lagos, calling for action to address the barriers to TB, HIV, malaria and GBV in Nigeria, disclosed that a multifaceted approach is essential to advance the fight against these health challenges.
The ATM Networks, including TB network, Network of people living with HIV and AIDs in Nigeria (NEPWAN) and Organisations of Malaria Immunisation and Nutrition (ACOMIN) urged governments at all levels, private sector, and stakeholders to extend the National Health Insurance (NHI) programme, particularly to the poor and most vulnerable.
According to them, the poor often are less educated and unemployed and consequently lack the ability to pay out-of-pocket for high costs associated with frequent illnesses.
Speaking during the roundtable engagement on COVID-19 Response Mechanism/Resilient and Sustainable System for Health (C19RM/RSSH) project, Team Lead, Mrs Ifeluwa Aipoh, further stated that funding and finances for primary health delivery should be carefully mapped out and sanctioned against any misappropriation or mismanagement; to enable a robust public health programme at all ward levels in the local government.
According to her, communication and education programmes can raise knowledge and awareness and, in turn, improve testing and care seeking. “There is a great need to educate, engage, and empower the communities to embrace any behaviour change relevant to achieving success in malaria, HIV and TB control in Nigeria.
“Every ward should commit to health promotion and education programmes to increase awareness of prevention measures and promote community participation and adherence to evidence-based strategies.
“Commit adequate resources through advocacy and partnerships, for the full and effective implementation of all planned interventions, including through involvement of the private sector and community participatory approaches.
“Community members should actively support and advocate for their local primary healthcare centres (PHCs). Community involvement is crucial in ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of these centers.
“Additionally, community support can manifest through volunteering, donating resources, or participating in advocacy efforts to secure increased funding and resources for PHCs.”
She added that the ATM Networks is collaborating with the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) on the COVID-19 CR19RM grant, which aims to address health system gaps and enhance sustainable, efficient and effective health outcomes.
On his part, Executive Director, ATM, Hon Aladeyelu Adebayo, said the roundtable is in partnership with community organizations and stakeholders to appraise the work done so far in the communities.
“The project is a community led intervention funded by global fund of which the principal is NACA. What we do in the community is to look at issues that has been created, the gaps and challenges the primary health centres are facing especially in providing the drugs and other consumables meant for the facilities.
“By identifying these challenges, we tackle and address them as well as stand in the gap to ensure that the PHCs are patronized as we help and also look for ways to strengthen and encourage the people to come out and make good use of the facilities.”
Also, the Deputy Cooordinator, ACOMIN, Ihemenam George, said the project is a quarterly event whereby the Networks give feed back to the public vis-a-vis the government through the media. “The issues raised here, one amongst other issues; is inadequate personnel in some of the PHCs, which is the problem of the government by the way.
“Others include: shortage of drugs, syringes, stethoscope and items that are used up and need to be replaced. While we try to address these challenges, the media is to help create awareness thereby strengthening the work of all the Networks.”

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