How blue-haired teen ‘who lured Brit Murat Arpapay to lethal injection murder’ was forced into life of crime at just 17

A BLUE-HAIRED teen who allegedly lured a British man to his death in a “honey trap” murder plot was kidnapped when she was 17, her mum said.

Murat Arpapay, 57, was tied to a chair and killed with a lethal injection after falling for 19-year-old Muhterem Percikli, police believe.

CCTV showed Murat Arpapay entering a building with blue-haired Muhterem PercikliNewsflash

NewsflashMuhterem Percikli, 19, is one of five suspects named by Turkish police investigating the killing[/caption]

NewsflashMurat Arpapay had lived in England for many years before moving to Turkey[/caption]

He was receiving funds from family in England after moving overseas and made apparent new pals he met online in Turkey‘s biggest city Istanbul.

But neighbours in his new home city raised the alert with police after a body was found in the ventilation shaft of an apartment block.

Officers identified 57-year-old Mr Arpapay – who had worked as a translator – and deemed the death suspicious though found no signs of knife or gunshot wounds.

It was then ruled that he died from an injection after an autopsy at the Sirinevler Forsenic Medicine Institute, local reports say.

And officers trawling through security CCTV footage saw how he had arrived at the apartment building alongside his reported girlfriend, Percikli.

According to reports, Percikli’s concerned mum told Turkish TV two years ago that her daughter had been kidnapped.

Deliverye Karaca claimed that her daughter had been snatched from their home in the city of Mersin and was using drugs

Percikli later returned to her family home after the public appeal, Hurriyet reports.

She has since been arrested by police over the Mr Arpapay’s death.

Cops also named three more accomplices said to have entered the apartment – Serpil Demir, Dogan Sariyildiz and Fatih Erginoglu.

A fifth was later identified as Ersen Basak – who is believed to have fled to Georgia.

An Interpol red notice is reportedly being prepared for his arrest.

After her arrest, Percikli reportedly told cops: “When we went to the address on the day of the incident, they beat him up and knocked him out.”

Local reports suggest the suspects have told police Mr Arpapay had lived in England for many years, funded by family.

He was said to initially be in touch on social media with Basak before face-to-face meetings ahead of Mr Arpapay’s move to Turkey.

Basak allegedly devised a plan to steal money he learnt the victim kept at his new home and sought help from Percikli and friend Demir.

Those two were primed to visit a cafe owned by Basak to meet Mr Alpapay, which led to him and Percikli becoming friends then lovers.

Percikli was reportedly introduced to him as a “rich man”.

Percikli is believed to have met him at the apartment on the day of his death, where Demir, Sariyildiz and Erginoglu allegedly tied his hands and used a needle to inject a chemical substance into his body.

Footage appeared to show Percikli wearing a blue wig as she walks into the apartment with the Brit.

The killers left the scene after placing Mr Alpapay’s body in the block’s ventilation shaft.

Basak is accused of then entering the apartment, stealing cash and fleeing to Georgia while Sariyildiz and Erginoglu travelled to Cyprus.

The two women Percikli and Demir have been arrested and remain in custody as investigations continue.

Mr Arpapay’s Facebook page suggests he studied at Newcastle College.

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