Doctors Alert On Malaria, Cholera Spread In Maiduguri

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF or Doctors Without Borders) has warned of an imminent surge in malaria and waterborne diseases, particularly cholera in Maiduguri following the recent devastating floods.

Heavy rains overflowed the Alau Dam early this month, displacing nearly 400,000 people, severely damaging homes, markets and health facilities.

MSF’s head of mission in Nigeria, Dr Issaley Abdel Kader, emphasised the urgent need for enhanced medical and humanitarian support, stating that, “We are very concerned about the precarious living conditions and the potential outbreaks of cholera and malaria.”

He said MSF mobilised teams to provide water, sanitation and healthcare, including outpatient consultations and mental health support.

He warned that many will remain vulnerable without immediate improvements to hygiene and healthcare access.

“With markets and businesses devastated, there is huge concern that malnutrition rates will spike again,” he said.

This marks MSF’s second emergency response to flooding in northern Nigeria in recent weeks, underscoring the escalating humanitarian crisis in the region.

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