VON DG Canvasses Enhanced Military-Media Relations

Director-general of Voice of Nigeria (VON) Mallam Jubrin Baba has  charged the military to strengthen ties with the media so that the war against insecurity can be won.

He stressed  that with collaboration  between the two institutions  vices like kidnapping, banditry and others  working against  development of the nation would become overcome.

He gave the charge at a public  lecture he delivered at the Nigerian Naval War College  Calabar, at the weekend.

Speaking on the  on the theme, “Strengthening Military – Media Collaboration: A Strategic Imperative for the Nigerian Navy,”   he drew inferences from his decades of experience as a committed journalist, stating that collaboration remains the only option and way forward.

He stressed that the current media space which has expanded due to the advent of social media and citizen journalism, was advantageous for the Nigerian Navy and the Armed Forces in disseminating information about their activities rather than giving room for speculations.

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