Here’s the exact date the UK will start to sizzle under an incoming ‘heat dome’

It seems the summer may finally, belatedly and at long last be here (Picture: Shutterstock)

After a truly hideous spell of thunderstorms and even, in some parts of the country, snow, it appears the summer is finally on its way. 

It’s proven one of the coldest Junes in more than a decade for the South East of England, and the chilliest since 2015 across the UK. 

Sodden weekend has followed sodden week, as flood warnings remain in place for some parts of Scotland and Wimbledon fans brave the downpour to watch this year’s tournament in West London

But as the showers begin to clear toward the end of the week and with it the end of the school year, some forecasters say temperatures are finally set to climb from July 9 onwards. 

This is expected to start in the mid-20s but will likely steadily rise to the low 30s by the end of the month. 

On Facebook, Exacta Weather has warned Brits to prepare for ‘some sort of potential heat dome scenario’, with air currents from the Azores and from Africa possibly pushing those numbers up into the high thirties by the time August is upon us. 

A post read: ‘If things continue to develop as expected over the next several weeks, then there is no reason we couldn’t see temperatures topping out at the mid to high 30s at the very least, particularly in more southern areas.’

Forecasters believe the UK may be on track for another heatwave this year (Picture: ExactaWeather)

The Met Office, however, has been more measured in its forecasts.

Looking toward July 15 to July 29, the service has said: ‘On balance, it may be rather changeable at first, with periods of unsettled and cloudy, wet weather mixed with spells of dry and fine weather. 

The past week has seen the UK battered by some truly awful weather, with Wimbledon fans facing massive delays to matches due to the rain (Picture: PA Wire)

‘The west is likely to see the wettest conditions, while the east will tend to be drier.

‘By mid month there is a signal for more settled conditions to develop, so more in the way of dry weather, although still with a risk of some rain / showers at times. 

‘Temperatures close to average at first, but with a greater chance of warmer than average conditions later in the period.’

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