Girl-child education should be top priority – Rotary

The newly created Rotary District 9127, on Monday, pledged to give priority to girl-child education and impact youths in the country positively.

The Pioneer District Governor of Rotary District 9127, Rotarian Mike Ukachi Nwanoshiri, gave the pledge during his inaugural press conference in Abuja.

The new District covers all Northern States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Nwanoshiri said: “We are going to introduce girl child education. It’s a decision. If we don’t do it as their parents, they would not grow well. We talk about mental health? What is the cause of mental health? It is from our parents.

“What type of training did you give your young girl when she was young? How did you bring her up? We don’t allow them to be lost. If we don’t start now to treat that issue, we will be in trouble.”

The District Governor added that “we also have to encourage our young girls. They should not be cheap articles in the hands of men. They have to respect themselves knowing that through them birth came to the world.

“We teach them not to always depend on men to give them. I know I have some mothers in different clubs that will take that up to make sure we take the project up and make sure by the time they leave their youthful age, they would have the experience to have managed themselves.

“We have been talking about youth empowerment but this time around I would change the scenario. Now it would be about youth impact.

He urged youths to avoid vices in the society but develop themselves and work hard to succeed.

He expressed delight to be the new District Governor of the newly created Rotary District 9127.

“I am excited to lead this vibrant and dedicated community of Rotarians, and I am committed to building on the excellent work of our past Governors,” he added.

Girl-child education should be top priority – Rotary

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