Nasarawa Communities Issue Ultimatum To Mining Firm For Alleged Illegal Operation

The people of Amba and Agaza communities of Kokona local government area in Nasarawa State have issued an ultimatum to a mining company, Timadex Geomin Consult Limited for allegedly operating illegally in the area without approval.

A letter signed by the Overseer of Agwada Development Area, Adamu Agye; the OSU Agwada, Abubakar S Obagu, and Mr Martins Kure Abashi, Sangarin Amba as well as other traditional and youth leaders from the areas, alleged that the activities of the company and others were inimical to the peace and development of the area.

Our correspondent reports that both Amba and Gaza boast of huge lithium deposit that has been attracting miners to the area.

The letter explained that on noticing the alleged questionable activities of the company, leaders from the area alerted the state government which sent a delegation to assess the situation.

The communities further said instead of towing the noble path of exiting the area or take the necessary action by legalising its operation, the company rather resorted to blackmailing the communities leaders and the state government through the media.

“While we are not against any indigenous mining company to obtain consent to operate in our Land, we resolved that such company must have unquestionable mining history and capacity to operate.

“We therefore urge the Minister of Solid Minerals Development, the D.G. Cadastral Office and the Governor of Nasarawa State to ensure that only reputable mining company with requisite capacity, either local or foreign are allowed to be given license,” it stated.

It noted that while government world over will welcome development and progress of its citizens, it will also not brook any action that undermine the security of its people.

“We view the action of the Governor Abdullahi Sule in ensuring a well-coordinated and productive mining activities devoid of insecurity and threat to lives of the people of our communities as good intention and the right action any responsible government should take, considering the devastating consequences that come with mining activities.

“We want to draw the attention of Timadex Geomin consult, that the communities — Amba and Agwada are fully behind the Chinese companies (Black Stone New Energy limited and Black Gem New Energy Limited), contrary to the claim by Timadex Geomin Consult that the native are crying foul that their land is being sold without their consent.

“We want to categorically state, that any attempt by individuals or groups of individuals to bring or support the activities of illegal miners to these communities will be strictly resisted,” it warned.

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