Minor Decisions Your Kids Will Appreciate

As a parent, you should be committed to doing whatever it takes to leave a positive impact on your children. With kids, the little things, small decisions add up to big things.

Here are 4 small decisions your kids will love.

Write the Lunch Box Note

This is an extra step in the morning. It’s not necessary, but kids will remember it. A lunch box note is a midday reminder to your son or daughter that says you care about your kids when you’re apart. It’s a small thing, but it’s worth it if your kids know that even when you are not in the same location, they are on your mind.

Read One More Book At Bedtime

Our home’s bedtime routine feels like a marathon. They get in their pajamas, brush their teeth, say prayers, and read a book. It can take time, but it’s intentional time. Our kids are only going to be this age for a little while, and we do not want to miss out. If they want to read The Cat in the Hat one more time, I’m going to do it. It’s a small thing that shows them I like to hang out with them.

“Plug your phone in, walk away, and go play with your kids”

Hold Their Hand Ina Crowded Place

I’ve taken my children to busy places like Disney World or the zoo. It can feel overwhelming for them, but kids need to feel secure. Simply holding their hand tells them their safety matters to you. Kids should know their dad values their safety. So, grab their hand. It’s a small thing, but it will calm their fears.

Turn Off Your Smartphone

Just like kids need to feel secure, they also need to know you prioritize them. They want a relationship with you, not the top of your head because you’re constantly looking down at your smartphone. Plug your phone in, walk away, and go play with your kids. It may seem like a small thing, but smartphones easily distract us, and a distracted dad is not a dedicated dad.

Think about other things your kids love you doing and add it to the list




source: allptodad.com

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