Girl, 11, left fighting for her life after being bitten by a snake in UK park

There have been 14 recorded human deaths from adder bite since 1876 (Picture: Mirrorpix)

A schoolgirl’s organs ‘began shutting down’ after she was bitten by the UK’s only venomous snake at a nature reserve.

Lil, 11, was on a day out with her family in Essex when they tried to spot adders, one of the famous natural residents of Fringringhoe Wick alongside badgers, barn owls and lizards.

As she crouched down to get a closer look, the reptile attacked and sank its fangs into her hand on Sunday.

Her mum Sam Lythgho, 41, was immediately worried and took her to hospital, but Lil was already ill enough to vomit in the waiting room.

‘Within 20 minutes her organs were shutting down and you could see the venom tracking up her arm,’ she told The Mirror.

At one point, doctors struggled to find a pulse as her chest swelled up.

Thankfully, after being given anti-venom and adrenaline, she started to recover, and was well enough to be discharged several days later.

A sign at the reserve warning visitors of the dangers of adders (Picture: Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve)

The family had been at Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve in Essex (Picture: Getty)

‘You could see the venom tracking up her arm’, Lil’s mum said (Picture: Mirrorpix)

Lil had to stay in hospital several days (Picture: Mirrorpix)

Sam said she dreads to think what might have happened, however, saying it all happened in the space of an hour and: ‘If I had taken her home I don’t know if she would be here now.’

Lil had been on a ‘children’s adder trail’, a family-friendly quiz through the reserve, where children could win prizes by spotting ‘Ashley the Adder’.

But she saw one in real-life instead, with her mum claiming there was insufficient signage to warn of how dangerous they could be.

Sam, who said Colchester General Hospital were ‘brilliant’, said they nevertheless had only one anti-venom available and so would have training for if something similar happened again.

Meanwhile Lil, who wants to be a vet when she’s older, has changed her mind about wanting a snake as a pet.

A spokesperson from Essex Wildlife Trust said: ‘Fingringhoe Wick Nature Discovery Centre has a clear sign at the entrance to our centre and on our website about adders, including information about taking caution and what to do if bitten.

‘In this instance, the family also spoke to staff ahead of their walk where they stated they were looking for adders and were advised to remain on the path and to keep their distance from adders.

Adders are the UK’s only venomous snake (Picture: Getty)

‘As advised on the signage, anyone bitten by an adder should call an ambulance immediately, which was the advice the family received when they returned to the centre following the incident.

‘Our team at Fingringhoe contacted Lily’s mother, Samantha, later that day and the following morning out of concern and we were very pleased to hear she was recovering well the following day.

‘Going forward, the Trust will be introducing additional signage on the nature reserve to remind the public of the presence of adders and to ensure that people keep their distance if they spot one.’

Their website warns visitors: ‘Due to the presence of adders on site, please stick to the paths and wear suitable footwear.’

It is estimated that around 50 to 100 people are bitten by adders in the UK each year, with dogs also at risk.

Most adder bites occur to the hand or arm, when people get close or try to pick them up. Some happen without warning, such as as when people inadvertently treading on or close to them while walking through long grass. 

Adder bites are rarely fatal, however they can be very serious. There have been 14 recorded human deaths from adder bite since 1876, the last being in 1975.

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