Should MPs consider a smartphone ban for children?

A new report has painted a worrying photo of the effect of phones on children (Picture: Getty)

Following earlier guidance from the Department for Education about phones in classrooms, a new debate has begun about banning smartphones all together for children under the age of 16.

Labour is said to be ‘open-minded’ about banning social media for children but a new Education Select Committee report has outlined more ‘serious dangers’ to children from smartphones in general.

A committee of MPs has now said the next government should consider banning smartphones all together for those under the age of 16.

Published this weekend, the report has worrying statistics – including the risks of increased screen time for children and young people significantly outweighing any potential benefits.

Committee chairman Robin Walker cited ‘extensive damage’ done to young people using their devices too much.

The Education Select Committee has an even split between Labour and Conservative members – both of whom are worried about the findings.

What does research show about phone use in children?

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79% of children with smartphones encounter ‘violent pornography’ before the age of 18 (Picture: Getty)

The new report from the Education Select Committee has found that one in four children now use their phone in a manner resembling addiction.

And almost all children own a phone by the age of 12 – with 79% of children encountering ‘violent pornography’ before the age of 18.

Extended screen time has also become increasingly normal for young children and teenagers, with a recent research review identifying a 52% increase in children’s screen time between 2020 and 2022.

The report also said: ‘Data from the Office for National Statistics suggests 19% aged 10–15 experienced at least one type of bullying behaviour online, and out of them, and 72% said they experienced at least some of it at school or during school time.’

The report concluded: ‘The next Government should implement a formal monitoring mechanism to measure both the implementation and effects of the mobile phone ban.

‘The results of this monitoring phase should be published and shared with schools. If results show that a non-statutory ban has been ineffective, the next Government must move swiftly to introduce a statutory ban.’

Who supports a proposed ban?

Labour and Conservative voters previously supported a ban (Picture: Getty)

In February, Labour said it was ‘open-minded’ about banning social media – an idea which gained more traction after Esther Ghey, Brianna Ghey’s mother, visited parliament to campaign for a ban.

Ms Ghey told the BBC in February: ‘We’d like a law introduced so that there are mobile phones that are only suitable for under-16s …

‘So if you’re over 16 you can have an adult phone, but then under the age of 16, you can have a children’s phone, which will not have all of the social media apps that are out there now.’

The Liberal Democrats have called for an independent children’s online safety advocate to protect ‘children’s interests’.

Neither Conservative or Labour have commented on the report’s recent findings and recommendations. The Green Party has also not commented.

How would a smartphone ban be implemented? 

The government would most likely begin the ban in schools (Picture: Getty)

It remains unclear how the government would instate a smartphone ban for those under 16, but it would likely be started in schools, many of which already have smartphone regulations.

Pepe Di’Iasio, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said of the report: ‘Rather than offering flexibility, a statutory ban would seemingly leave schools with only one option – to confiscate all phones at the start of the day and return them at the end.

‘While this may work for some schools, others just will not have the time and resources to manage such a process.’

Think tank More in Common revealed that 64% of people think a ban on smartphones for those under the age of 16 is a good idea.

Only 20% believed it was a bad idea.

In 2019, 72% of Tory voters backed a ban on smartphones, with 61% of Labour voters also supporting it.

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