Bizarre penis facts, from having a double penis to why the penis leans to one side 

EVER thought to really delve a little deeper into the world of genitalia? Specifically, the male reproductive organ?

Although penis-related jokes are commonplace and a man’s penis may end up being the butt of a joke, how much do we really know about this organ?

The average penis size across the world is about 5.35 inches

Half the population have a penis, so let’s get clued up on the ‘manhood’.

Here, Dr Chun Tang, Medical Director and GP at Pall Mall Medical shares some bizarre yet fascinating penis facts.

1. The penis can lean 

Curvy penis? Don’t worry, it’s normal.

“Just as with other parts of the body, there can be natural variation in the shape and structure of the penis,” says Dr Tang. 

“Some degree of curvature may simply be part of an individual’s anatomy.”

Dr Tang says one reason people have a curve in their penis is due to tunica abnormalities. 

“The tunica albuginea is the fibrous covering of the erectile tissue in the penis,” he says.

“Abnormalities or uneven distribution of tissue within the tunica albuginea can cause the penis to curve to one side.”

Damage to the tunica albuginea could occur due to trauma caused by vigorous sexual activity, so be careful!

But significant or painful curvature, especially if it develops suddenly, may indicate an underlying issue that should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. 

Dr Tang adds: “Peyronie’s disease is another possible explanation, a condition characterised by the formation of fibrous scar tissue in the penis, leading to curvature or bending during erections.

“This scar tissue, known as a plaque, can develop on one side of the penis, causing it to lean or curve.

“Treatment options for penile curvature vary depending on the underlying cause and severity and may include medications, surgery, or other interventions.

“If someone is concerned about the curvature of their penis, they should consult a healthcare provider for an evaluation and appropriate management.”

2. Semen moves fast

During ejaculation, semen moves as fast as a car on a typical road.

Dr Tang reveals that the average speed of ejaculation is estimated to be about 28 miles per hour. 

He says: “During ejaculation, muscles contract to propel semen through the urethra, leading to this surprisingly swift release.”

3. Yes, you can have two penises!

Having a double penis, also known as penile duplication or diphallia, is an extremely rare condition. But, it does occur.

Dr Tang says that a double penis occurs when ‘embryonic development results in the formation of two penises’, adding: “This condition is estimated to occur in about one in every five to six million live births.”

Diphallia can manifest in various forms. There could be two complete penises, or just partial.

“There may be two penile shafts but a single glans or other variations,” explains Dr Tang. 

“Additionally, the severity of diphallia can vary, with some individuals experiencing no other associated abnormalities, while others may have other congenital anomalies affecting the urinary tract, reproductive organs, or other systems.

“Treatment may involve surgical correction to address any functional or cosmetic concerns.”

4. Penis fractures DO occur 

Although they occur at a rate of one in every 175,000, it is possible to fracture the penis. 

However, the NHS reported in 2023 that it had seen an increase in the number of people going to A&E with a fractured penis.

Dr Tang says: “A penile fracture occurs when the tunica albuginea, the fibrous covering of the erectile tissue, ruptures due to trauma, such as aggressive bending or hitting. 

“It requires immediate medical attention.” 

It’s worth noting that as the penis doesn’t contain bones, it can’t be broken. 

Getty – ContributorIt’s normal for a penis to have a curve[/caption]

5. Erections can happen from birth 

According to Dr Tang, it’s not uncommon for babies to come into the world with an erect penis. 

He says: “Ultrasound scans occasionally reveal a foetus with a fully developed erection even before delivery.”

It’s nothing to worry about and is simply due to hormonal and blood flow changes. 

6. The penis can get stuck 

Although it’s very rare, cases of “penis captivus”, where the penis becomes temporarily trapped inside the vagina during sexual intercourse, have been reported.

Dr Tang says: “This is often due to involuntary contractions of the vaginal muscles.

“While it’s a rare occurrence and usually resolves on its own, it can lead to discomfort and panic for both partners involved.”

7. Your penis is longer than you think

The average penis size across the world is about 5.35 inches, according to an analysis of 40 studies spanning nearly 90 countries.

But one-third of the penis is inside the body, anchored by the root of the penis within the pelvis. 

“This portion, known as the penile root or radix, consists of the bulb of the penis and the crura, which are two erectile structures that extend deep into the pelvis and attach to the pubic bone,” says Dr Tang.

“The remaining two-thirds of the penis, including the shaft and glans (head), are external.”

NHS tips to add inches to your penis

WORRIED about the size of your manhood?

There are some things you can do to help.

According to the NHS, there are a few simple – and painless ways – to add the illusion of a few extra inches. These are: 

Trim your pubes – if you’ve heard the saying “mow the lawn to make the tree look bigger”, trimming your pubic hair can do exactly that.
Banish the beer belly – losing weight is a great way to make your todger look bigger. It’s not going to look as impressive if you have a beer belly hanging over it.
Get fit – not only will getting fit make you look better, but you’ll also feel better. It goes without saying that if you’re feeling sexy your love life will also benefit.

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