What age does sex education in school begin in the UK?

Sex education in UK schools is changing (Picture: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty)

A controversial government proposal to ban sex education for children under the age of 13 has been revealed.

The new age limit is set to ban teaching children about ‘explicit’ topics, including changing their gender, The Times reports.

Currently, children can be taught about sex and sexual health, including contraception, when they start secondary school at the age of 11.

Schools could also be limited on discussions the government considers ‘explicit,’ such as contraception and changing their gender identity.

It means children would not be taught about contraception, STIs and abortion until the age of 13.

Under the plan, pupils would not learn about contraception until they are teenagers (Picture: Compassionate Eye Foundation/Getty)

The revised sex education guidance due to be announced by the education secretary Gillian Keegan is expected to put other restrictions on teaching about gender and identity.

It is thought teachers will be told to explain ‘biological’ facts when discussing gender, The Guardian reports.

She is also expected to consult on a ban to stop schools from teaching sex education of any type before children are nine.

Schools will also be required to show parents samples of the material they use to educate their children, which is already a requirement in some cases.

It reportedly comes after concerns that some children are being taught age-inappropriate relationships, sex and health education, according to The Times.

However, critics have described the move as political.

Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion said on X (formerly Twitter) that ‘politicising sex education is unforgivable dangerous and reactionary,’ adding that it is always age appropriate to teach children how to stay safe.

What age does sex education start in schools in the UK?

Currently, all children must be taught relationships, sex and health education.

But the style and content vary depending on the school year and where in the UK you live.

In primary schools, children must now receive relationships education after changes to the law in September 2020.

Sex education can vary between schools and where in the UK you live, but there are some rules (Picture: Compassionate Eye Foundation/Getty)

Young people in secondary school must be taught relationships, sex and health education (RSHE).

However, the quality and scope of sex education can vary ‘widely’ between schools, the Family Planning Association has warned.

What do you learn at what age?

The existing guidance sets out broad topics for children aged five to eleven in primary school.

They will learn about different types of families and healthy relationships, including friendships and boundaries.

Currently, primary schools are allowed to teach additional sex education, but it is not a requirement, the guidance says.

However, they already have to consult parents before the final year of primary school about what sex education is being taught.

Primary school, ages five to 11

By the end of primary school, children should know about:

Healthy and caring family and friendships  
Other families and relationships may look different to theirs and they should respect differences
Marriage is a formal and legally recognised commitment of two people and it is intended to be lifelong
How to recognise if relationships are making them feel unsafe
Different types of bullying, including cyber bullying, its impact and responsibilities of bystanders and how to report it or get help
Harms of stereotypes
Being safe online and in the real world
That each person’s body belongs to them and differences between inappropriate and appropriate contact
How to seek help and reporting concerns, abuse, and learning the words to do so

Because sex education in primary schools is not mandatory, the current guidance to schools focuses on relationship education.

And if that goes beyond the national science curriculum, schools have to set it out in their policy and consult with parents.

Then in secondary school, children are taught more complex topics such as puberty, sexual relationships, consent, unsafe relationships and online harms.

In secondary school when children are aged between 11 and 16, they can be taught about sex, sexuality and gender identity ‘in an age-appropriate and inclusive way,’ the current guidance says.

The official guidance says that when teaching these topics, schools must recognise that ‘young people may be discovering or understanding their sexual orientation or gender identity.’

Children should be given an ‘equal opportunity to explore the features of stable and healthy same-sex relationships, it says.

The guidance leaves room for schools how they decide to teach sex education.

But it does say young people in secondary school should be ‘made aware’ of the relevant legal aspects around marriage, consent, violence against women and girls, sharing nudes and ‘sexting’, pornography, abortion, sexuality and gender identity among others.

Secondary school, 11 to 16

In secondary school, children are taught more about sex and relationships.

It includes:  

Different types of relationships
What marriage is, including legal rights
Other types of relationships
Responsibilities of parents
Relationships and friendships, including trust, respect, reconciliation and ending relationships
Harmful stereotypes relating to sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and disability
Online safety and risks, including not to share material to others they want to keep private
That sexually explicit material like pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours
That sharing and viewing indecent images of children is a criminal offence

When it comes to sex, sexual relationships and health, they are taught:

How to recognise positive intimate relationships
Their choice when it comes to sex and relationships and wellbeing
Facts about reproductive health, including potential impact of lifestyle on fertility and menopause
How to manage sexual pressure, including peer pressure
That it is their choice to delay sex or to enjoy intimacy without sex
Contraceptive choices and options
Facts around pregnancy and miscarriage
Sexually transmitted infections
How the use of alcohol and drugs can lead to risky sexual behaviour
Where to get advice

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