Low testosterone in men linked to higher risk of early death

Low testosterone levels can impact health (Picture: Getty)

Low testosterone levels could lead to an early death – contrary to previous research that suggested the hormone shortened men’s lives.

A new study found men with low testosterone had a higher risk of dying from any cause, but particularly from heart disease in those with the lowest levels.

Researchers from the University of Western Australia reviewed studies that followed 24,109 men ranging in age from their late 40s to mid-70s on average. 

Low testosterone was defined as below 213 nanograms per decilitre – a nanogram is one billionth of a gram – and very low levels as below 153ng/dL. Healthy levels differ with age but are generally between 300 and 1,000ng/dL.

Those with low levels of the hormone can suffer symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, changes to their mood and disruption to their libido.

Testosterone levels reduce with age, dropping around 1% a year from the age of 30. There are a number of reasons for this, including a reduction in the testicles’ ability to produce the hormone, and the body gradually telling them to produce less.

Testosterone lowers with age (Picture: Getty)

A number of other factors can also cause a reduction in testosterone, including disease. One limitation of the new study is the difficulty in determining whether the low testosterone is causing, or caused by, cardiovascular disease.

Dr Daniel Kelly, a senior lecturer in biochemistry at Sheffield Hallam University, said: ‘Testosterone is lowered by illness, so it could be a marker for an underlying disease that results in an increased chance of dying. This is especially true for diseases that have long-term inflammation, of which obesity is one.

‘Helping unravel this relationship is the situation found in prostate cancer patients. When the cancer spreads, the patient is given drugs that drastically lower testosterone levels. Despite improving prostate cancer, this treatment increases the risk of heart attack and stroke in the patients.’

Writing in The Conversation, he added: ‘So while low testosterone may be a marker of disease, to some extent it is clearly also a contributing factor in the development of future disease and possibly death.’

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by low testosterone, and is also an early sign of heart disease, further linking levels of the hormone to the leading cause of death in men across the world.

A healthy diet is important to maintain hormone levels (Picture: Getty)

How to prevent low testosterone

While different people naturally have different levels of testosterone, meaning what is low for one person may not be for another, there are ways to help prevent a reduction.

Lifestyle plays an important factor, with weight gain a major factor in falling levels. Eating a healthy balanced diet and getting enough exercise can help maintain testosterone levels, as can managing stress.

‘There is growing evidence that testosterone replacement therapy may help reduce some of those risks, including death from any cause and from heart attack, in some men,’ said Dr Kelly. ‘Yet controversy still exists as long-standing – and largely outdated – concerns regarding testosterone therapy causing heart attacks endure.

Testosterone supplements may be prescribed (Picture: Getty)

‘Most evidence now suggests there is at least no risk of heart disease associated with testosterone replacement therapy, [but] more research is needed to determine if it can improve heart health in men.

‘While there may be hope on the horizon in the form of testosterone for reducing the risk of men dying from heart attacks, it looks as though it will be a long road until treatment becomes a common option. In the meantime, it would be wise to maintain your testosterone levels through a healthy lifestyle.’

The study focused on endogenous testosterone – produced by the body – rather than artificial testosterone taken as part of hormone therapy treatment.

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