‘It was terrifying’ – 40 years on from the discovery of HIV, life is very different

In four decades, times have changed for those with HIV

Today marks 40 years since scientists discovered that HIV causes AIDs – and now, the UK could be just a few more years away from stopping transmission altogether.

That is the hope of leading gay rights activist Jonathan Blake and the Terrence Higgins Trust.

Such a monumental achievement, almost within our grasp, highlights the stark difference in life for those with HIV – human immunodeficiency virus – in 2024 compared to 1984. 

Jonathan, 74, has experienced both. He was one of the first people diagnosed with what would become known as HIV in October 1982, and for decades has been a leading campaigner in raising awareness of the disease.

Forty years on, he has never forgotten the fear that stalked the gay community at the time.

‘It was terrifying,’ he says. ‘It was incredibly isolating – I felt like a modern-day leper. I was only 33 and felt like my life was over. I just thought nobody is going to want to know me, nobody is going to want to have anything to do with me.’

Jonathan Blake was one of the first people in the UK to be diagnosed with HIV

Jonathan believes he contracted the virus during a visit to a steam bath in San Francisco. In December, two months after his diagnosis, he made the decision to take his own life.

‘Then I heard the voice of my mother, Golda’ in my head saying “Jonathan, you clear up your own mess”. And I though “oh f***, I’m going to leave such a mess”, and I couldn’t do it.

‘But there was no support, no nothing.’

That changed soon after when friends of Terrence Higgins, one of the first people in the UK to die of an AIDs-related illness, got together and formed a trust in his name, offering support and advice.

Then, less than a year later, scientists made the game-changing discovery that a virus, then known as HTLV-3 and later HIV, caused AIDs. And while it did not immediately lead to a vaccine or a cure – something we are still searching for today – it did lead to life-saving changes in care.

What is AIDs?

AIDs, or human immunodeficiency virus, is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged by the HIV virus.

While AIDS cannot be transmitted from one person to another, the HIV virus can.

HIV is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens your ability to fight everyday infections and disease.

There is currently no cure for HIV, but there are very effective drug treatments that enable most people with the virus to live a long and healthy life.

Source: NHS

‘One of the good things the government did do was they began giving money to Big Pharma [pharmaceutical companies] to find out what was the cause, and find the drugs that could treat it,’ says Jonathan.

‘But I think the most important thing they did was actually start to give money to drop-in centres like the Terrence Higgins Trust, the London Lighthouse. Suddenly, there was financial support for these organisations, which meant that there were safe spaces for people to go, places to get support – support in terms of benefits, in terms of housing, and that was amazing.’

Jonathan has appeared in campaign posters raising awareness

Not until the Nineties did the fruits of increased medical research begin to roll in, with the release of triple-drug therapy leading the way.

However, the discovery of HIV also led to one major, but rarely discussed, discovery in the medical world. One that would help save millions of lives in 2020.

Covid testing had a huge head start thanks to HIV testing (Picture: Getty)

‘[In the Nineties] viral load testing came in, and then they could actually test how much of the virus there was in a centilitre of blood, which is amazing,’ says Jonathan. ‘A centilitre is about the size of your fingernail, and within that there could be two million parts of the virus.

‘And you just think “I beg your pardon?”. It’s unbelievable.

‘It was a game-changer – and a game-changer that actually did change everything, because when Covid struck, if there hadn’t been viral load testing, there would have been no PCR tests.

Professor Jean-Claude Chermann, who participated in the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (Picture: Getty)

‘It’s the same technology, but they never acknowledge it. HIV seems to be this forgotten pandemic that mustn’t be talked about.’

However, the opposite is needed to stop transmission before 2030. Communication is key, as is testing – which can be done for free at GUM clinics, charities and GP surgeries among other providers, while home-testing kits are also available.

40 years of HIV research

Richard Angell, chief executive of the Terrence Higgins Trust, says: ‘The discovery of the virus that was resulting in the deaths of so many back in April 1984 is an important point in history and the global HIV response. 

‘Unfortunately the breakthrough didn’t quickly lead to a vaccine or cure as what was hoped at the time. But it did lead to successfully testing for HIV which was and continues to be absolutely crucial in prevention efforts. 

‘Four decades later we’re in such a different place thanks to subsequent medical breakthroughs and highly effective ways to prevent, quickly test for and treat HIV – including that we can now say with complete confidence that someone living with HIV and on effective treatment can’t pass it on to their partners. 

‘That’s why, if we maximise everything we have in this fight, we’re aiming to end new HIV cases in the UK by 2030. If achieved, we’ll be the first country in the world to do so and it’ll be the first time transmission of a virus has been halted without a vaccine or a cure. 

‘We owe it to all those we lost and on whose shoulders we stand to make that goal a reality, and what an incredible change that would be to where we were 40 years ago.’

Following years of campaigning in LGBTQIA+ communities, transmission is now lower in men who have sex with men than through sex between a man and a woman. 

Jonathan warns that stigma around HIV is still a huge problem when it comes to getting tested, particularly in heterosexual men.

‘When Covid came along you were encouraged to test and do your home testing, and that was a way of controlling it,’ he says. ‘[With HIV] there are very simple fingerprint tests that can tell whether or not you have the virus.

‘When It’s A Sin came out, there was suddenly a huge increase in people going and testing, something like 400%, and then it just died back again.

‘Stigma is the problem. Stigma is what kills.’

Today, the HIV finger prick test offers same-day results (Picture: Getty)

As Jonathan highlights, HIV is far from the only sexually-transmitted disease in the UK, and rates among others, such as gonorrhoea and syphilis, are soaring.

‘We’re not very good in this country talking about sex, and your own sexual health,’ he says. ‘But if you’re going to have sex, it makes sense to go to a sexual health clinic and get tested.

‘Learn your status, because once you know your status, you can deal with it.’

And today, in 2024, dealing with an HIV diagnosis is very different to what it was in 1984.

As witness to the evolution of treatment, Jonathan himself has been on a journey to manage his condition. 

Is there a cure for HIV or AIDs?

At present, there are no widely-proven cures for HIV or AIDs, but research is ongoing.

Last year, a man became one of a handful of people to be cured of HIV after doctors gave him a stem cell transplant, raising hopes for the future, but there is still no failsafe, scalable treatment.

Trials are ongoing for an HIV vaccine.

From the days of doctors having nothing in their armoury to stop the ravages of a mystery disease killing young men across the world, an HIV diagnosis today offers a very different future. A future not too different from one without an HIV diagnosis, whether accessing treatment to stay healthy or knowing how to enjoy a fulfilling sex life safe in the knowledge the virus won’t spread.

And someday soon, hopefully that will be the case full stop.

Visit nhs.uk to find an HIV testing centre near you

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