As new stalking guidance comes into place, are the police doing enough?

One in five women and one in ten men experience stalking

Police in England and Wales have been given new guidance to intervene in stalking cases before they escalate.

The new rules follow reports that current measures aren’t doing enough to help victims.

Stalking Protection Orders were designed to ban stalkers from contacting or approaching victims, but figures show police forces were failing to issue them.

The change in guidance comes as Netflix’s hit show Baby Reindeer has got viewers thinking about stalking.

The haunting drama series, created by Richard Gadd, follows the horrifying ordeal of Donny, a struggling comedian who is stalked by a woman named Martha.

The show is based on a true story – Gadd himself was stalked for four years by a woman who called him ‘Baby Reindeer’.

Gadd isn’t alone. According to recent figures, 7 million people in England and Wales have been victims of stalking.

So what is stalking and what are the new rules?

What is stalking?

Stalking is a pattern of fixated and obsessive behaviour that makes the victim feel scared or harassed.

It can involve repeated behaviours and can last a long time.

How common is stalking?

One in five women and one in ten men experience stalking, according to stalking victims charity the Suzy Lamplugh Trust.

In April, a woman was sentenced for stalking after sending 8,000 letters to Harry Styles (Picture: PA)

A third of the victims had a prior acquaintance with their stalker. Many victims are stalked by ex-partners.

The ordeal can take over someone’s life. According to researchers, 50% of stalking victims curtailed or stopped work because of the abuse.

Victims do not tend to report the stalking to the police until the 100th incident.

In 2021, the Metropolitan Police recorded 1,000 cases per month, compared with 200 cases per month in the year to April 2020.

What are the laws against stalking?

The 1997 Protection of Harassment Act targeted all forms of harassment, including stalking.

Then, in 2012, the law was amended to make stalking a specific offence.

Stalkers face ten years in prison if convicted of stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress.

Stalking Protection Orders were introduced in 2020 to give police new powers to stop stalkers.

The Home Office said the rise in reported cases was a result of changes to the way police forces record the crime. 

In 2022, 6% of reported stalking cases in England and Wales ended up in charges being brought.

In comparison, in 2014 and 2015, 37% of reports resulted in charges.

A third of all reported stalking cases are dropped due to difficulty obtaining evidence.

Of all the cases that end up in court in England and Wales, 66% end in conviction.

What is a Stalking Protection Order?

Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) allow police forces to impose restrictions on stalkers to stop them approaching or contacting their victims.

In 2020, Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) were introduced with the aim of stopping stalking early on.

Cyberstalking is a crime in the UK (Picture: Shutterstock/smolaw)

The civil order, which is similar to an Anti-Social Behavior Order, bans stalkers from contacting their victim on social media, through letters or through a third party.

They are also banned from being within a certain distance of the victim’s home or workplace.

The order may also require the perpetrator to attend an intervention programme, undergo a health assessment or attend a rehab programme.

The police can issue one if the perpetrator has carried out acts associated with stalking or poses a risk of stalking.

Once issued, the order will remain in place for at least two years.

If the stalker breaches the SPO, they could face up to five years in prison.

However, while the measures were designed to make it easier for victims to get help, figures show that the orders aren’t being fully utilised by police forces across England and Wales.

In the first year after the SPOs were introduced, just two full orders were granted by police in Wales, even though 3,000 cases were reported.

Some police forces in England and Wales have issued fewer than 10 orders per year, according to figures obtained by a charity for stalking victims.

How is stalking guidence being changed?

On Monday, safeguarding minister Laura Farris issued new statutory guidance to police forces to apply a lower standard of proof when issuing SPOs.

That means that there will be fewer barriers to issuing an SPO.

Minister for Victims and Safeguarding Laura Farris said that there is ‘more we must do’ (Picture: PA)

‘Previously the police would have to meet the criminal standard which is beyond reasonable doubt.

‘We’re lowering that now, so they only have to persuade a judge on the balance of probabilities, a kind of 50-50 test, that a Stalking Prevention Order is appropriate,’ Farris told Sky News.

‘We must continue to treat stalking with the utmost gravity. Having doubled the maximum sentence, and introduced a new civil order to protect victims, we know there is more we must do,’ Farris added.

Emma Lingley-Clark, Interim CEO of the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, said that the charity welcomed the announcement, but warned that more needed to be done.

‘There is an urgent need to increase the use of SPOs across the country and improve understanding amongst police officers given the extremely low uptake and lack of knowledge within police forces currently,’ she said.

Is Baby Reindeer based on a true story?

The new Netflix series Baby Reindeer has reignited conversations around stalking.

The lead character, Donny, is a fictionalised version of Gadd, the show’s star and writer.

Richard Gadd wrote Baby Reindeer about his own experiences (Picture: Ed Miller/Netflix)

‘It’s very emotionally true, obviously: I was severely stalked and severely abused,’ Gadd told The Guardian.

‘I can think of so many examples where something’s been reported, ignored, reported, ignored, and gone on to have some very severe consequences. I did feel it when I was reporting stalking – I did feel the pinch, shall we say,’ he said.

The real-life Martha was two decades older than Gadd.

She sent him 41,071 emails, 350 hours of voicemail, 744 tweets, 46 Facebook messages and 106 pages of letters.

She went to his comedy gigs and turned up at his home.

The Netflix series shows how stalking can escalate (Picture: Ed Miller/Netflix)

‘At first everyone at the pub thought it was funny that I had an admirer,’ Gadd told The Times

‘Then she started to invade my life, following me, turning up at my gigs, waiting outside my house, sending thousands of voicemails and emails.’

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