Neo-Nazi jailed for naming son ‘Adolf’ secures early release

Holocaust denier Adam Thomas, 27, who also said he would ‘kill a mixed-race’ child, has been granted parole despite officials’ reservations about his risk of reoffending (Picture: PA)

A neo-Nazi who became infamous after naming his son after Adolf Hitler is soon due to be released from prison.

Adam Thomas, 27, shot to notoriety in 2018 when he was handed a six-and-a-half year sentence at Birmingham’s Crown Court for his membership of banned far-right organisation National Action. 

During his trial, jurors heard he and partner Claudia Patatas gave their child the middle name Adolf, which Thomas said was in ‘admiration’ of Hitler, and they had Swastika scatter cushions in their home.

Photographs recovered from their address also showed Thomas cradling his new-born son while wearing the hooded white robes of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

Both parents were self-described Holocaust deniers, with the judge on their case noting that both had said they’d be ‘willing to murder a mixed-race child’ in pursuit of their extreme far-right ideology. 

Despite well-grounded concerns that Thomas is at risk of reoffending due to his deeply held beliefs, a parole board has determined following a hearing at the end of last month that he ought to be released. 

A summary from the hearing, quoted by the Daily Mail, reads: ‘Having considered the index offence, relevant patterns of previous behaviour and the other evidence before it, the panel listed as risk factors those influences which made it more likely that Mr Thomas would reoffend.

Caption: Neo-Nazi who named his son ‘Adolf’ and said he would ‘kill a mixed-race child’ is freed early from jail
credit: PA

‘Evidence was presented at the hearing regarding Mr Thomas’ progress and custodial conduct during this sentence. He had engaged with some work to explore his political and religious views.

‘Mr Thomas then completed work on his offending behaviour, including an accredited programme to address extremist offending and ways of disengaging. 

‘Witnesses could not be satisfied that the work had been effective, however, it was noted that Mr Thomas was now very aware of the legal implications of his past behaviour. He had since engaged with further sessions to explore right wing ideology. 

‘No further work was identified for Mr Thomas to complete in custody. There was some support for release at the oral hearing, which would allow for some monitoring of Mr Thomas prior to the end of his sentence.’

Adam and his partner Claudia Patatas were sentenced to six and a half and five years back in 2018 for their membership of extremist organisation National Action (Picture: PA)

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Thomas is reportedly due for release in July, and will live in designated accommodation with strict limits on whom he is able to contact, where he is able to go, and the kinds of activities he is permitted to engage in. 

Prior to the couple’s arrest in 2018, a search of their Oxfordshire home yielded extensive Nazi memorabilia, as well as the KKK outfits in which they were pictured holding their infant child, and a veritable arsenal of weapons that included crossbows, machetes and axes. 

Prosecutors told the court during their trial that Thomas and Patatas had intended to wage ‘holy war’ against ethnic minorities and the LGBT community.

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